The Widder Curry

Thoughts on life, family and community by Judi Curry, a long time educator and resident of the Ocean Beach, Point Loma area of San Diego.

Where Are All the Strawberry Fields Going?

May 6, 2013 by Judi Curry

By Judi Curry

strawberries“Far, far away.”

During my trip to Carlsbad last weekend with members of my support group, we stopped in at a delightful shoe shop, “Coolest Shoes in California” and had an interesting discussion with Christine Davis, the owner of the store. Somehow we started talking about the Carlsbad Strawberry Fields and making jam, and she commented to me “better hurry. They won’t be here long.”

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A Ride to North County on the Coaster

April 17, 2013 by Judi Curry

By Judi Curry

coasterFor the past few months members of my support group have talked about taking a ride on the ‘Coaster’ to North County. Only one of the members had been on the Coaster; the others of us had it on our ‘bucket’ list.

The first time we were to go it rained; the second time we were to go someone was sick; the third time it was raining again. This time we decided we would go regardless if it rained, or regardless if someone became ill. It was a “go” no matter what. And, wouldn’t you know, the weather forecast WAS for rain, but we decided unless a hurricane was in the offing we would still go. And then one of the people that was going to go with us became ill, but she encouraged us to go anyway, and we did. We are so glad that we did.

We met at the Old Town Trolley Station at 9:30am on Friday. Parking was horrendous.

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A Fine Farewell to Dating Websites

April 9, 2013 by Judi Curry

By Judi Curry online20dating

As my subscriptions to five online dating sites comes to a close, I look back at some of the situations I have found myself in and can’t help but laugh hysterically. On the other hand, some of the time I found myself sad and depressed because things did not turn out the way I had hoped they would. Sounds like I might be bordering on bipolarism.

Some of the people that I have met have been wonderful and I consider them friends. Of course, I wasn’t looking for friends when I joined the sites; I was – and still am – looking for a companion, a lover, a best friend. I am thrilled that Joe, a man I frequently went out with has found a potential companion for life. I will always think of him as a friend and have also “friended” his new squeeze. Jim, I know I can always count on you if I need help; you have been there each and every time I have asked for some thing.

I have been amazed at the number of men that are married and are looking for a one-nighter.

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OB Restaurant Review –“ Te Mana Café”

April 8, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for OB Restaurant Review –“ Te Mana Café”

“Te Mana Café”
4956 Voltaire
Ocean Beach, CA 92107

There are so many new restaurants opening in Ocean Beach it is difficult to get around to all of them in a few weeks. Today my friend Candy and I decided to have lunch at “Te Mana Café” on Voltaire. The physical restaurant is a restored 1924 Craftsman house. The Cruz family lived in it for years and as they remodeled it into the restaurant it is today, they continued living in all of the rooms – although they no longer live there now. It is beautiful; well furnished, and very warming to its clientele.

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Restaurant Review: “Newport Avenue Yacht Club Restaurant”

March 25, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review:  “Newport Avenue Yacht Club Restaurant”

Newport Avenue Yacht Club Restaurant
5060 Newport Ave.
Ocean Beach, CA 92107

Watch out, South Beach. You have serious competition – and right across the street! Monica – my live-in student – and I decided to try out the new restaurant because so many people have already told me about it. And the surprising thing is that it has only been in operation ten days! It didn’t take long for the word to spread about how good this restaurant is, and it can only get better. [We helped spread the word.]

Granted, at the present time the owner, John Rudolph, does not have a beer and/or wine license, but he welcomes his diners to bring in their own – no corkage fee – to enjoy while eating his succulent offerings. (He said it may take 6-9 months before a license is granted!)

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On the Waterfront Restaurant Review: Mitch’s Seafood

March 20, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for On the Waterfront Restaurant Review:  Mitch’s Seafood

Mitch’s Seafood
1403 Scott St.
San Diego, CA 92106

After posting my review of Point Loma Seafood’s last week, several of my readers wrote in and told me that I should try “Mitch’s Seafood”, because it was as good, if not better than the subject of my original review.

I could hardly wait to try it, and when Monica, my foreign language student came home early from school on Tuesday I decided it was a perfect time to “test the waters.” After all, Tuesday in San Diego means “taco Tuesday” and with tacos at $2 and $3 it was well worth it. We arrived early – 4:15 pm, because one of the readers said that it is almost impossible to be served after 5:00pm on Tuesday.

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Restaurant Review: OB Kabob

March 13, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review: OB Kabob

OB Kabob
4994 Newport Ave
San Diego, CA 92107

Driving down Bacon Street the other day, I happened to see the “OB KABOB” restaurant near the corner at Newport. I was surprised that I hadn’t seen it before, but I later found out that it had just opened in February of 2013 – only a few weeks ago.

I called Scott, my friend from the Beacon, and asked him if he would like to go with me to try it out, since he has accompanied me three times already to review restaurants. He jumped at the chance.

We went on a Tuesday for several reasons. It is “Taco Tuesday” and I felt that it would not be crowded because of the specials being offered at other neighboring restaurants.

The menu was extensive – but I was unprepared at how small the restaurant is – 4 tables; 4 high tables; and a variety of counter space. (Come inside for details and the Widder Curry’s grades.)

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Neighborhood Business Review: John Baker Picture Frames

March 12, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Neighborhood Business Review: John Baker Picture Frames

An Introduction to a Neighborhood Business

John Baker Picture Frames
4735 Point Loma Ave.
San Diego, CA 92107

A year or so ago, I was in a hurry to frame a picture I was going to be giving as a gift, and rather than drive down to Midway and Rosecrans to either Michael’s or Aaron Bros. I decided to stop in at John Bakers Picture Frames on Point Loma Avenue. I am embarrassed to say that in the 36+ years I have lived around the corner, I had never been in the store. I was amazed at the selection he offered his customers. Perhaps one of the things I liked the best was that “Murph” – his dog – greeted me at the door.

The next time I went in the shop I had some doggie biscuits with me, only to find that Murph had gone on to another place. And I found out that John had retired and the business had been purchased by an employee of his of over 14 years. Let me introduce you to Mary Maslanik.

I watched Mary work with a customer today while I waited for Chris Baker to complete a picture frame for me. (Yes, Chris is John’s son.) Mary worked with this woman – for almost an hour. The scene reminded me of a woman trying on shoes and not finding anything that she liked. Mary brought out all kinds of samples of matting, frames, etc. until there did not seem to be anything left in the front or back room.

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Transient Ischemic Attack … ‘I Had a What?’

March 11, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Transient Ischemic Attack … ‘I Had a What?’

Monday morning dawned bright and early and I looked forward to going to my physical therapy appointment at 7 a.m. I love driving over Pt. Loma Avenue early in the morning to see the sun coming up over the mountains.

This day was no exception. My therapist, Eddy, worked me especially hard that morning because, after having breast cancer surgery 18 years ago, within the past 6 months I have developed a severe case of lymphedema. There does not seem to be a cure, and we are trying to get the lymph fluid to flow out of the elephantine arm that used to be my left arm. It doesn’t hurt – just restrictive at times.

Following my therapy I had an appointment to see my primary care physician for a routine check up and all was normal. I left her office; did some shopping at Ralph’s, and walked in the door about 11 a.m. One of my former students – Corrine – was coming in the front door as I was walking in the back door. She had an armload of tomato plants with her that she was going to plant in the backyard.

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Restaurant Review: Pho Point Loma & Grill

March 8, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review: Pho Point Loma & Grill

“Pho Point Loma & Grill”
2788 Midway Drive
San Diego, CA 92110

After a day that became more stressful hour by hour, I decided that I did not want to cook dinner for my one remaining student – Monica – and suggested that we have a meal out. The physical therapists at the office I go to three times a week had talked about “Pho Point Loma” yesterday, and, knowing that Monica likes pho food, thought it would be a fun experience for both of us.

I used to go to the restaurant when it served Chinese food and always marveled at how large it is. There is the regular dining room; a huge dining room in the back part of the restaurant, and a smaller, more cozy room to the side as you come into the building. It should be noted that there were patrons in all of the rooms and for a Wednesday night they were doing a thriving business.

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La Jolla’s Anti-Semitic Past Still Reflected in Community Christmas Parade

March 7, 2013 by Judi Curry

La Jolla from above

What is the difference between a “Holiday Parade” and a “Christmas Parade?” Not much, actually. But the fact that La Jolla continues to call their December parade a “Christmas Parade” bothers some residents of this snobby, exclusive city.

Many years ago – 1965 – to be exact, my husband and I decided to take a trip to La Jolla. We knew we would be moving to the San Diego area shortly, because my father-in-law was quite ill and lived in Chula Vista. We decided to make a vacation of it, and driving down from Berkeley where we were going to school we stopped off at a hotel in La Jolla. I was wearing a beautiful Star of David given to me on my 18th birthday by my ex-husband. My current husband – Bob – was not Jewish, but the star was so pretty that I wore it frequently.

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Car Wash Review: Rosecrans Car Wash

March 5, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Car Wash Review: Rosecrans Car Wash

Another In a Series of Car Wash Reviews by the Widder Curry

Rosecrans Car Wash
3768 Rosecrans St.
San Diego, CA 92110

I have wanted to try the Rosecrans Car Wash ever since I read that I could have my car washed at the same time I could wash Buddy, my dog. Since we frequently go to Dog Beach, it seemed a natural thing to do, but for some reason – procrastination – I have not done so until today. And wouldn’t you know it – when I finally did go I had my student friend in the car and not Buddy.

The first – and only problem that I had was in finding the entrance into the lot. Even though the address is on Rosecrans, you enter the lot from Kurtz St. When I passed it and Monica asked me where we were going – we were headed East on Highway 8 – it became apparent to her that I had missed the entrance. We turned off on Taylor and backtracked to Rosecrans, not before getting stuck by a train as we attempted to cross the tracks. That was a 2-3 minute wait.

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Restaurant Review: Ranchos Mexican and Vegetarian Cuisine

February 22, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review: Ranchos Mexican and Vegetarian Cuisine

Waiting too long detracted from the good food

“Ranchos” Mexican and Vegetarian Cuisine
1830 Sunset Cliffs Blvd.
Ocean Beach, CA 92107

A good friend called me today to wish me happy birthday, and said she had been following my restaurant reviews and wondered if I ever stayed home and cooked any more. It does seem like I have been going out a lot – and my increased girth tells me that is true – but I hate to pass by the opportunity of going out and trying new – and old – restaurants, so I decided to take my two students – Monica and Jeffrey – to Rancho’s for dinner. (And for clarification purposes – both students are adults studying English at ESL schools.)

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A Review: Humphreys Backstage Lounge on Shelter Island

February 21, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for A Review: Humphreys Backstage Lounge on Shelter Island

Humphreys Backstage Lounge
2241 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, CA 92101

A friend, Jim, and I decided we would go out on Valentine’s Day for appetizers and a drink or two. (Yes, I do drink and yes, I did meet him on-line.) We wanted to celebrate Obama’s win and this was our first opportunity together.

I called my daughter for – one who knows nice places to go out for celebrations, and she suggested “Humphreys Backstage Lounge.” I have been to Humphreys many times. My youngest daughter was married at Humphreys, but I had never been to the Backstage Lounge nor had Jim, so that was where we went.

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Review: Living Room Coffeehouse in Point Loma

February 20, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Review: Living Room Coffeehouse in Point Loma


“Living Room Coffeehouse”
1018 Rosecrans Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 222-6852

Within the small support group of widows that I am part of, three of our husband’s are buried at Ft. Rosecrans. So two of us thought we would start the day by a trip to “see” them. Even though one of our members was ill and not with us, she “talked” to her buried hubby via my cell phone and made her feel better for the day.

Then Candy and I went to the “Living Room Coffeehouse” on Rosecrans. We had never been there and we thought by going there we would avoid a crowd at the more popular Sunday breakfast restaurants. We were right. In the Living Room there are many small rooms available, couches, an outdoors, etc. so even if it was crowded it would not have been apparent to us.

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Who said girls can’t play rugby? There’s a team right here in Point Loma.

February 14, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Who said girls can’t play rugby? There’s a team right here in Point Loma.

My first introduction to Rugby was when my grandson-in-law, Ben, sent me a picture of him with the blackest eye I had ever seen after winning a Championship Rugby match in Australia. Having all daughters I was almost sickened by seeing this handsome man’s face marred by a “shiner” so large that it almost obliterated his face.

When, five years later, my 17 year old granddaughter informed me that she was going out for the rugby team with the San Diego Young Aztecs (SDYA) my first thought was of Ben and all the cuts, scrapes and bruises he had during the rugby season. (I shouldn’t have been surprised at Molly’s choice. Her Aunt Lynn, my middle daughter, was the first female on the Water Polo team out of Pt. Loma High many years ago.) Still, the remembrance of Ben’s pictures was at the forefront of my mind.

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Screwed again – or not – the continuing saga of on-line dating

February 12, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Screwed again – or not –  the continuing saga of on-line dating

As I have a birthday coming up in a few days, and as my last experience with on-line dating made me want to find my birth certificate – yes, they had them back then – I wanted to check and see if I was really born many years ago, or if there could have been a typo and I was really born in 1995.

Many of the men I am meeting online these days remind me of my youth – yes, I can remember back that far – and the titillating things we talked about during the dating process. I am not happy to report that things have not changed significantly. Men still want to talk about all the things we read about in “Catcher in the Rye” or “Lady Chatterley’s Lover.” So let me tell you about my latest.

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An Expensive Lesson in Grooming Buddy the Dog

February 6, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for An Expensive Lesson in Grooming Buddy the Dog

Those of you that have read my articles over the past year or so know that I am devoted to my 11 year old – soon to be 12 – Golden Retriever, named Buddy. He was definitely my deceased husband’s dog and I feel like he is the last remaining link between Bob and I. Yes, I have three daughters, but they are the product of my first marriage and Bob and I had no children between us.

When Buddy was a pup, I told Bob that we should have named him “Shadow” because he followed him everywhere. But our previous dog – another Golden – was named “Pal” and Bob wanted something close to that name. Hence “Buddy”.

Unless you are a dog lover you will not understand what I am about to say, but if you are a lover this will make perfect sense to you.

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Restaurant Review: Baci, Italian Fine Dining

February 4, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review:  Baci, Italian Fine Dining

Restaurant Review: Baci, Italian Fine Dining

1955 West Morena Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92110

Every now and then I get to get dressed up and go to a grown-up restaurant. Tonight was one of those nights. I drove the few miles to Baci on West Morena Blvd just in time to place my order with my five dining partners, several of whom were family members.

What a menu. It started out with Antipasti ranging from $11.95 to $14.95. There were 8 different items to choose from plus a soup for $5.95.

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Widder Curry: A Call From The Other Side

January 29, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Widder Curry: A Call From The Other Side

Those of you that have been reading my articles for the past few years, probably will remember that I am a widow. My husband of 46 years died September 21, 2009, from lung cancer. Yes, he was a smoker, or was for 30 years of his life. He gave it up for 34 years but it was still the cause of death. Whether it was caused by his smoking or living in Los Angeles for the first 39 years of his life, or working in a school where he helped install the asbestos in the ceiling so it could open on time we will never know. And the reasons for his death are not germane to this article.

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I’m Supposed to Feel Sorry for Phil Mickelson?

January 22, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for I’m Supposed to Feel Sorry for Phil Mickelson?

I think I must have arrived in “pity poor me” land without the benefit of a ticket.

In channel surfing a few moments ago, I was appalled at all the people interviewed that are feeling sorry for Mr. Mickelson, a multimillionaire that may have to leave California because he feels “targeted” by higher taxes being foisted on the 2% of Americans and he may have to change his life-style. Excuse me while I go puke.

Is he saying that if he makes an endorsement for a product and is paid ten million dollars that he will only be able to keep $3.7 million? (I suspect

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The Widder Curry at Mayor Bob Filner’s State of the City Address

January 16, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for The Widder Curry at Mayor Bob Filner’s State of the City Address

When I received my invitation to attend the “State of the City” address by our new mayor, I was really jazzed. I had attended a fund raiser for Bob Filner a few weeks before the election and enjoyed talking to him and having my picture taken with him. (I still think it is the best picture he has ever taken!) I met Bob Filner many years ago – many times – when I was a teacher, an administrator and an assistant professor. I was always impressed with him, even though at times I thought he was gruff.

When I arrived at the event, I saw other reporters from the San Diego Free Press, like Andy Cohen and Ernie McCray, so I decided that I could not approach my article as a “reporter’s report.”

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Restaurant Review: Midway’s Las Olas Mexican Restaurant

January 9, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Restaurant Review: Midway’s Las Olas Mexican Restaurant

Restaurant Review:

Las Olas
3924 West Point Loma Blvd.
Point Loma, CA 92110

I was very disappointed when one of my favorite restaurants in Point Loma – Embers – closed many months ago. For months, every time I drove by I looked to see if a new establishment was going to open in that spot. About six months ago I noticed that there were workmen inside rehabbing the building and could hardly wait to see what new cuisine would be offered.

Finally, yesterday I noticed a sign that said “Open” on the back of the building fronting Sports Arena Blvd. and quickly called Scot, a friend of mine who reviewed another restaurant with me in early 2012 (it is only a coincidence that Scot is a reporter for the Beacon -which seldom has restaurant reviews!) – and asked him if he wanted to join me in a “taste test.” He quickly said “yes” even though he had been there the week before, just 3 days after it opened. (It has been open for about a week and half.)

The restaurant, Las Olas, one of 3 owned by a Pt. Loma High School graduate – Dave Murphy – and Pete Johnson, a La Jolla High graduate. (The other two restaurants are located in Cardiff and Carlsbad.)

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All I wanted for the holidays was …

January 3, 2013 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for All I wanted for the holidays was …

A few weeks ago I was lamenting the fact that there were only two gifts under the tree for me, in spite of having 12 grandchildren and parents that go along with those grandchildren.

I was pleased that one of my former Foreign Language Students – Bernd – from Germany – had sent me a book – the customs tag indicated it was a book – and a former Counselor at one of my schools had sent me a photograph he took. (I knew it was a photo because he was my photography teacher and we always exchange pictures.) I truly appreciated both gifts, and it made me feel that I was still thought of during the holidays.

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The Holidays are the Hardest

December 26, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for The Holidays are the Hardest

Being a widow is difficult if the relationship between the two spouses was a good one. There are times that being a widow is harder than other times. Like now. The Holidays. Being a widow and having 12 grandchildren becomes quite expensive and for the first time in many years I am unable to gift my children as well as their children.

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Where Have All the Heroes Gone?

December 18, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Where Have All the Heroes Gone?

In a discussion I had with a friend the other day, we got to talking about the “heroes” of our time.

We had so many people to look up to that 15 minutes after starting naming those wonderful people we were still naming names. In our early teens – yes, we were “teens” once – a long time ago – our hero’s came from a variety of resources – and perhaps the first ones came from an unlikely source – the comic books, the radio stations, etc.

Who can forget “Tom Mix”? or “Jack Armstrong”? Even the “Superman” we idolized as doing only good was different that the Superman of today. The Betty, Veronica, and Archie’s of yesterday.

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On Line Dating – Has it Improved Any?

December 13, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for On Line Dating – Has it Improved Any?

It has been a while since I regaled the readers of my columns about my experiences of on-line dating. Lest you think that it has improved – or that I have met a “match” let me enlighten you during this holiday season.

I have had some very interesting, very hilarious experiences lately. I am truly amazed at the responses, and subsequent conversations I have had with some of the male subjects.

Some of these “episodes” sound like others I have already written about. Let me assure you that these are all “new” acquaintances. Let’s get started…

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Review of Car Washes On the Peninsula – Genie Car Wash

November 26, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Review of Car Washes On the Peninsula – Genie Car Wash

Editor: This is the third in a series of business reviews by the Widder Curry of car washes in the Ocean Beach and Point Loma areas. Here are reviews No. 1 and No. 2.

Genie Car Wash
3949 West Point Loma Blvd.
San Diego, 92110

I have had a distaste for the Genie Car Wash ever since the attendant tried to convince me that my head lights on my 1996 Sable Wagon were so cloudy that I was just asking for a ticket from one of San Diego’s “Finest”. This was in 2011. But I was told that for a mere $25 the car wash could fix those cloudy filters and it would be as good as new. I declined.

When I pulled into the car wash this morning, driving a 2012 Toyota Camry, I wondered what they would try to sell me this time, and “sell” me they did.

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OB Restaurant Review : Nicks at the Pier

November 20, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for OB Restaurant Review : Nicks at the Pier

Nicks at the Pier
5083 Santa Monica Ave.
San Diego, CA 92107
619 222-7437 (PIER)

One of the benefits of “on-line dating” is the variety of places to meet in San Diego. I probably could regale you with experiences on this particular date – he supported Romney and Bilbray – and, of course, I supported Obama and Peters. None the less, this is not about personalities but about the restaurant.

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Finding the “God of the Dental Chair” Right Here in Ocean Beach

October 30, 2012 by Judi Curry
Thumbnail image for Finding the “God of the Dental Chair” Right Here in Ocean Beach

Where Have You Been All My Life?

I think I have died and gone to heaven. Or someplace I never expected to be found in. I am walking around in a daze, with a smile on my face, and wondering how this wonderful man came into my life.

Oh no, no! This is not a result from my on-line dating. This is the result of a life-long fear perpetuated by my mother. When I was a little girl, she always told me that if I was a “bad girl” she would send me to her sister Mitzi because Mitzi worked for a dentist! “And you know that dentists can hurt people, Judi.”

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