City Council Should Have Allowed San Diegans to Vote on Creating a Municipal Utility — Even If It’s Not a Good Idea

June 14, 2024 by Staff

The issue that San Diegans should have the right to vote on creating a municipal utility — even if the idea is not good — is reverberating around our fair city. And reporter Paul Krueger is promoting this view.

Just yesterday, June 13, Krueger’s letter to the editor in the San Diego U-T was published. He had written it in response to their article, entitled,”San Diego City Council shoots down effort to put municipal utility on the November ballot” published on the 11th.

Here’s his letter, followed by a statement from Power San Diego, the group that wants to fire SDG&E.

I don’t trust our mayor and city council to oversee a municipal utility, and would vote “no ” on a ballot measure to oust SDG&E and establish a government utility.

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Active-Duty Military Issue Appeal to Congress to Stop Funding Genocide

June 14, 2024 by Source

By Marjorie Cohn / TruthOut / June 13, 2024

On June 4, a coalition of active-duty service members, veterans and G.I. rights groups launched a campaign called Appeal for Redress V2 to encourage military personnel to tell Congress to stop funding genocide in Gaza. Israel’s genocidal operation, now in its ninth month, has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians and wounded nearly 85,000.

The campaign is sponsored by Veterans For Peace (VFP), the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild, About Face: Veterans Against the War and the Center on Conscience & War. It is modeled after the 2006 Appeal for Redress issued during the occupation of Iraq. During that campaign, almost 3,000 active-duty, Reserve and Guard personnel sent protected communications to their members of Congress urging an end to the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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UC San Diego to Offer (Used) Tents for Comic-Con

June 13, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

In some great satirical news, UC San Diego is offering space for on-campus housing during Comic-Con International, held in San Diego this year from July 25 through July 28.

Colleen Kollar Smith, the executive director of UCSD’s Campus Performances and Events Office, announced that the university will make available dozens of tents — slightly used — that it has for use during the event in downtown San Diego.

The tents were collected during an episode on campus about a month ago. Some tents have slight tear and some have a slight smell of teargas (these are from UCLA).

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OBceans and Point Lomans Must Insist Workshop on Proposals Be Held in Our Communities, Not Pacific Beach

June 13, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

It’s fairly unmitigated rubbish to think the City of San Diego is planning a workshop on their significant proposals to mitigate sea level rise in Ocean Beach and Point Loma not in those communities, but in Pacific Beach.

With the Coastal Resilience Master Plan, significant changes are being proposed for OB’s waterfront and for four blocks of Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. And the city is holding a community workshop specifically on the project sites at Sunset Cliffs and Ocean Beach for Monday, June 24, in Pacific Beach! — at the Pacific Beach/Taylor Library, at 4275 Cass Street, from 5 to 7 pm.

In contrast, the city is holding a workshop specifically on the La Jolla Shores, Tourmaline and Mission Beach project sites in … La Jolla, at the La Jolla Riford Library Community Room, 7555 Draper Ave, on June 25, 2024.

It’s almost as if the city doesn’t want any feedback or community input from those pesky, noisy residents of OB and Point Loma.

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City Wants to Turn Sunset Cliffs Boulevard Into One-Way Between Guizot and Ladera Streets

June 13, 2024 by Source

As part of the city of San Diego’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan intended to mitigate the effects of expected sea-level rise, the city wants to turn Sunset Cliffs Boulevard  into a one-way street southbound roughly between Guizot and Ladera streets, with the addition of a multi-use path protected by new fencing.

Native plants would be established as possible habitat enhancement as invasive vegetation is removed.

According to the city, this  so-called “lane diet” with a linear park would “improve public safety, enhance mobility options and access and implement drainage elements to better reduce erosion forces from the top of the bluff.”

Sunset Cliffs was selected because of impacts of coastal erosion.

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Team Gloria Wants to Set Up Warehouse and Parking Lot for Ground Squirrels Who Have Overrun Liberty Station (Satire)

June 13, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

It’s no secret that ground squirrels have overrun the grounds at Liberty Station. The growing population of ground squirrels have been seen running around and also taking over the San Diego waterfront over the last few weeks.

A spokesperson for the city’s Parks and Recreation Department said staff are keeping “an eye on all areas of Liberty Station park space that fall under the City of San Diego’s jurisdiction” for population growth of the ground squirrels.

Yet, Mayor Gloria’s team — with an eye on the upcoming election — has recommended that the squirrels be trapped and placed in a warehouse near the airport. Rachel Laing, Gloria’s PR person, claims a 1,000 squirrels could be housed in a warehouse Team Gloria has identified near freeways and away from residential areas.

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San Diego City Council Acknowledges City Sits on Kumeyaay Land Without Ceding any Land Back to Tribe

June 13, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

It is an important acknowledgement — but it didn’t go far enough, however. On Monday, June 10, the San Diego City Council formally recognized that the city sits on unceded Kumeyaay land and it passed a resolution honoring the tribe — but without ceding them any land.

The land acknowledgement statement reads:

“We respectfully acknowledge that the Kumeyaay Nation are the original inhabitants of the unceded land now known as San Diego. Despite enduring the horrors of genocide and colonization, the Kumeyaay spirit remains unbroken. We honor the resilience of their ancestors who fought to protect their culture and land. Today, they carry their legacy forward, ensuring that their traditions continue to thrive in gratitude and strength. We stand with the Kumeyaay Nation, connected to our past and committed to a thriving future.”

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Key Council Committee Meets on 3 Major Land Use Proposals Today, Thursday, June 13

June 13, 2024 by Source

The San Diego Land Use & Housing Committee will hold a public hearing on three major land use proposals all on the same day — Thursday, June 13 at 1:00 pm.

  • San Diego BluePrint,
  • University Community Plan Update and
  • Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment.

From that point, the Planning Commission will recommend approval, conditional approval, or denial to the San Diego City Council for adoption of those proposals, including the University Community Plan Update.

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Open Letter to San Diego City Councilmembers on Kettner and Vine Mega-Shelter

June 12, 2024 by Source

Dear Council members:

You have conducted three closed-session meetings on the Kettner and Vine mega shelter that have been preceded by several hours of public comment prior to each closed session.  Throughout each public comment period, there have been speakers from all communities of our city, from all walks of life, from all professions, and some who have had the ‘lived experience’ of being homeless so your flipped remark of Nimby-ism is a false flag to defend this upside-down project. 

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‘Nice Neighbors’: Citizen Watchdogs on the Prowl

June 12, 2024 by Source

The Callen Report

By Kate Callen

What happens when local government plunges into an ethical vortex, public coffers empty out, news organizations hit the skids, greed turns neighbors against neighbors, and people who used to be calm become very angry?

You get citizen watchdogs like Nice Neighbors San Diego.

Founded by Jay Goldberg, who works for Google and calls himself a “volunteer short-term rental compliance watchdog,” Nice Neighbors has an interactive website that is stunning in its sophistication.

The homepage features a map of short-term rental (STR) licenses that looks like a disease outbreak zone in a pandemic. Browsers can click a button to report a possible STR. The “Tools” webpage allows searches for valid STR licenses and Airbnb listings.

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City Wants to Bring Back Idea of a ‘Boardwalk’ for Ocean Beach

June 12, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

“Bike and Walking Path,” Permanent Dunes, One-Way Street for Section of Sunset Cliffs Proposed — Plans Workshop in Pacific Beach

Under the guise of something called “San Diego’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan,” the City of San Diego is bringing back the idea of a “boardwalk” across the beachfront of Ocean Beach.

It’s purpose is worthy and is to help mitigate sea-level rise and loss of beaches due to the climate crisis.

But just the mention of a “boardwalk” across OB raises old wounds that many thought had been dealt with. It’s called a “multi-use path for walking and biking” — nowhere near the title of something the city wanted to build decades ago and met with a tsunami of opposition when proposed.

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Over 6% of All Residential Units in Ocean Beach Are Licensed as Short-Term Rentals

June 12, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

There’s such a “stir on social media” about the latest renditions of maps that show the locations of short-term vacation rentals in San Diego that the private site that posts them, , is on the verge of crashing.

Jay Goldberg has been analyzing the city of San Diego’s short-term rental locations for a year and a half. He posts maps on his website:

“The concentration is surprising,” said Goldberg. “You’re talking about 6.2 percent of all dwelling units in Ocean Beach currently licensed as short-term rentals.”

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FYI — This Is How to Spell the Name of an OB Resident — UPDATED

June 12, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

There’s a lot of different spellings of a “native” resident of Ocean Beach. Yet, a decade ago — in 2014 while the OB Community Plan was going up for renewal, a decision was made of the proper spelling.

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OB Historical Society: Dialogue With Save Our Heritage Organizers — Thursday, June 20

June 12, 2024 by Source

June 20, OBHS Presents- Dialogue: Q&A with SOHO’s Bruce Coons and David Goldberg

Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7 PM, at Waters Edge, at 1984 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., Join the Ocean Beach Historical Society for a Q&A session with Save Our Heritage Organization’s Executive Director Bruce Coons and board president David Goldberg where OBceans can ask about the pressing issues and concerns surrounding preservation efforts.

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La Playa Books Is Back Up and Running in Point Loma Village

June 12, 2024 by Source

After being closed for remodeling, La Playa Books is back up and running in a more spacious, freshened space with a new floor in Point Loma Village.

The success of a small independent bookseller is all about networking, noted Amy Hesselink, manager of La Playa Books at 1026 Rosecrans St. “We have connections with Cabrillo Elementary, with Point Loma Assembly, and the Point Loma Association and with our other brick-and-mortar neighbors,” she said. “We create events. It’s an active part of the community and that’s important for us.”

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Still No Monies in San Diego Budget for New Lifeguard Station for Ocean Beach Because No Group Is Fighting for It

June 12, 2024 by Frank Gormlie

In reviewing the brand new budget for the City of San Diego for the next fiscal year, I could not help but notice there are no funds for a new lifeguard station for Ocean Beach, although there is $120,000 for a “long-awaited” lifeguard station in Pacific Beach.

Really? How long has OB been waiting for a new lifeguard station?

I seem to recall that PB has a “new” lifeguard station; so does Mission Beach and La Jolla. Obviously, PB is larger than OB and needs more lifeguards.

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Outline of New San Diego City Budget

June 12, 2024 by Staff

Here’s a brief outline of the city’s new $5.8 billion budget for the next fiscal year, passed unanimously by the council on Tuesday, June 10. A final vote will take place before the end of the month.

Also, Mayor Gloria vowed to sign the spending plan without changes. It reverses many of  the cuts proposed by the mayor in April that critics said would have disproportionately impacted low-income neighborhoods, homeless San Diegans and people of color.

The final budget includes:

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‘American Idiot: The Musical’ at Wildsong in Ocean Beach Thru June 30

June 11, 2024 by Source

Twenty years ago, Green Day’s seventh studio album “American Idiot” was released to uproarious critical praise. The self-described “punk rock opera” serves as an epic that follows Jesus of Suburbia, an adolescent American anti-hero, as he contends with the tumultuous early 2000s. In an era defined by the Iraq War, 9/11, and the Bush administration, it’s no wonder that the politically charged record is as relevant as it ever was.

The Wildsong Theater and Arts Collective is stoked to be able to celebrate the 20th anniversary with American Idiot: The Musical.

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Point Loma High Teacher Part of Story About ‘Who’s Grading the AI?’

June 11, 2024 by Source

by Khari Johnson / Cal-Matters / June 3 Updated June 6, 2024

[Please see original for links]

Your children could be some of a growing number of California kids having their writing graded by software instead of a teacher.

California school districts are signing more contracts for artificial intelligence tools, from automated grading in San Diego to chatbots in central California, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

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San Diego City Council Taking on the Budget — Today, Tuesday, June 11

June 11, 2024 by Source

What the Council Could Do Given the Jockeying by the 2 Main Factions

This piece by David Garrick at the U-T was published Friday, June 7 and gives the establishment press’ hope for the budget.

San Diego would increase money for small business aid, arts programs and reducing climate impacts to low-income neighborhoods as part of a budget compromise proposal endorsed Friday by City Council members.

During a contentious five-hour hearing, a majority of the council also supported more money for victims of the Jan. 22 floods, drop-in centers for low-income youth and rental subsidies for people with unstable housing.

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Don’t Let a Fairy Tale End in a Disaster, WNBA

June 11, 2024 by Ernie McCray

by Ernie McCray

The other night
I saw a video
of a cheap shot
laid on Caitlin Clark
that was called a foul
but it seemed more like a mugging
to me,

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The Widder Curry: ‘Almost Fell for It — Again!’

June 11, 2024 by Source

By Judi Curry

Have been under the weather lately.  Losing my sight in the “good eye” and only have slight peripheral vision in that eye so have not been paying much attention to things going on around me.  Until this past weekend, when I had, excuse the pun, a real “eye opener.”

I got a message that $98.99 had been paid from my Venmo account to a woman whose name I didn’t recognize – Amiyah Parker – for Crypto currency and that amount would be paid to the very same woman every month.

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Point Loma Lighthouse Closed for Repairs Until Late August

June 11, 2024 by Source

Lighthouse Closed from June 5 – late August; Whale Outlook and Oceanside Trail Still Accessible

The lighthouse is undergoing substantial exterior repair work and will be closed to the public during this time.

Please note that the two accessible parking spots by the lighthouse will not be available during this time.

Access to the whale overlook and the Oceanside Trail is still available by taking the walking path on the East side of the lighthouse. The Assistant Keepers Quarters is open and provides information on the Old Point Loma lighthouse.

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Food4Less Workers to Vote on Strike This Week

June 10, 2024 by Source

Food 4 Less/Foods Co. Workers Announce Strike Authorization Votes as Contract Expires

The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Locals 8GS, 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428 and 1442, together representing 6,000 Food 4 Less/Foods Co. workers across California, released the following statement on the day of their contract expiration to announce scheduled strike authorization votes following numerous labor violations by their employer throughout negotiations that have prevented them from getting the fair contract they deserve.

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The County Is Rolling a Fatty — Application Process to Begin for Social Equity Licenses for Cannabis Retail Storefronts

June 10, 2024 by Source

Roll up for Cannabis Equity

by Terrie Best

The County is Rolling a Fatty

Last year, a group of longtime cannabis advocates and professionals, community leaders and persons formerly incarcerated for cannabis got together and responded to the County of San Diego’s Request for Proposal to implement a cannabis social equity program in the unincorporated areas of the county.

It was a dream team of talent and it took awhile but we won the contract and the county is on its way to rolling out an application website, public meetings and eventual onboarding and training of new licensees.

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Hey Biden! The Red Line in Gaza Has Been Reached

June 10, 2024 by Source

Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the perimeter of the White House in a sea of fabric Saturday, saying they were drawing a red line for President Biden and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

On the same day that Gazan officials said at least 210 247 Palestinians were killed in a refugee camp, the demonstrators — many of whom had arrived on buses from more than two dozen cities — marched to chants of “Free Palestine!” while holding signs that said “Genocide is our red lin

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Ocean Water Health Advisory for Dog Beach

June 10, 2024 by Staff

The County still has an advisory up for Dog Beach in OB. They advise that bacteria levels exceed health standards and that people and dogs should avoid water contact in the advisory area. It’s been on since June 6. The advisory covers the San Diego River outlet to 300 yards south.

There’s also an advisory for a part of Mission Bay —  for the North Cove of Vacation Isle and 150’ each side of the southern drain. This has been on since May 30, 2024.

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Point Loma Rocks and Docks Sunday — Still a Neighborhood

June 10, 2024 by Source

By Colleen O’Connor

Point Loma is not just a tourist mecca, a powerful fishing industry, a substantial military presence, home to a national park dream, ship repair and maintenance facilities, but is also an invaluable contributor to San Diego’s economic health.

Often unnoticed and until recently happily so.

Its residents are now constantly fighting off mega developments SB10, the Kettner and Vine project, the colossal new high rise where Midway Post Office once stood, the coming SpaWars’ complex and the ever-changing planned Midway high-rise construction. Ocean Beach already under siege. All rammed through by Mayor Gloria and council. Overstuffed and under-imaginative.

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Friends Have Identified Man Found at Foot of Ladera Street Stairs as Don Carter

June 8, 2024 by Staff

Don Carter. A local musician – loved by many.

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Food4Less Union Workers Rally for a Better Deal

June 6, 2024 by Source

Local 135 Members Act for Better Wages, Staffing, Security, and Benefits

By Brent E. Beltrán

Local 135 union members of the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) at Food4Less gathered for a contract rally on Wednesday, June 5, at the Mission Valley Food4Less. With their current collective bargaining agreement set to expire on Saturday, June 8,the rally was an important step in highlighting the workers’ fight for a new contract.

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