OB Pier Re-Opens Sat., July 1

by on July 1, 2023 · 0 comments

in Ocean Beach

See this video by Charles Landon.

Also, from the City of San Diego:

On Saturday, July 1, the City of San Diego will reopen the Ocean Beach Pier following a six-month closure to allow time for repairs to damage caused by powerful winter storms. The reopening comes ahead of the 57th anniversary of the pier’s grand opening on July 2, 1966, and just in time for the Fourth of July holiday.

The pier was closed on Jan. 6 and the City opted to wait until the winter storm season passed to hire a consultant to assess the damage. A visual assessment completed in early May 2023 determined that storms had caused minor damage to the pier’s railings and pump station, but that the pier remains structurally safe.

While necessary repairs to the pier’s facilities and railings have been completed, repairs to the pump station will continue for several weeks and will not impact public access. However, the pier’s restrooms will remain closed until the pump station repairs are complete.


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