Ocean Beach’s Famous Torrey Pines on Saratoga Avenue Being Cut Down

by on February 9, 2016 · 5 comments

in Culture, Environment, Health, History, Ocean Beach

OB Torrey Pines Saratoga cut

OBceans Are Being Asked to Call Zapf’s Office – 236-6622 to Complain

The City of San Diego has determined that at least two of the 80 year old Torrey Pines on Saratoga Avenue in Ocean Beach must be cut down. And the city wheeled out Atlas Tree Service and they have been cutting the trees down bit by bit, limb by limb.

The Torrey Pines, a protected species, are at least 75 feet in height.

Some neighbors have complained of the dangers of falling limbs, especially since the last storm whipped through San Diego.

And the death of a musician from a falling Torrey Pine in PB is fresh in people’s minds. Local musician Nicki Carano was killed when an eight-foot-wide oak tree landed on her car.

Still, OBceans know that the city is just a little quick to cut down trees – even protected species – and ask questions later.  News station 10News had a call into the city for the reasons they were cut down but as of their latest broadcast had not heard back.

As of Tuesday morning, crews were still working on Saratoga. Some locals have come out to question the crews and stand as observers. Many are upset.

The block has been blocked off. See if you, dear reader, can get over to the site.

We are asking everyone to call Councilwoman Lorie Zapf’s office – 619-236-6622 immediately about this.

This block with its majestic, towering Torrey Pines, is the favorite block in OB for many.  And OB has a history with the trees.  See this history.


{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Dr. Jack Hammer February 9, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Who will speak for the trees?


Happyinob February 9, 2016 at 3:14 pm

What Block ???
Can’t complain if you don’t know location


Rick February 9, 2016 at 11:53 pm

With all due respect to my fellow tree lovers –and really, who doesn’t love a tree? — let’s get real: why not leave it to the experts to determine when a big tree becomes dangerous? My family lived in the messy shadow of my neighbor’s giant Torrey Pine in Sunset Cliffs for many years. Every time the wind blew hard, I worried it might come down right on my little boy’s room nearby. My neighbor repeatedly blew off my concerns over the mess of needles burying our property, the branches hanging far out over the street, not to mention the growing danger I felt. That tree poisoned our relationship for more than a decade until, one summer night about 5 years ago, with a tremendous CRACK! that sounded like a car crash the tree split right in half and came down to rest on his roof. Luckily, nobody was hurt but the whole huge shaggy thing, what was left of it, had to be chopped down and hauled away.
For sure, giant Torrey Pines must be beautiful in their isolated native habitat out on the Channel Islands, and are rightly protected. In a crowded urban neighborhood, not so much. Their roots rip up house foundations and buckle sidewalks. Sometimes, as happened Sunday in PB, they fall down suddenly, killing innocent bystanders. I recall that tree on Ingraham St.–I unconsciously sped up every time I approached it in my car. Yes, Saratoga is inarguably a lovely street thanks to the many stately Torrey Pines somebody planted a long time ago. But trees that size really have no business on congested city streets. Think of the liability of the city or a homeowner if a big Torrey fell and crushed a car, a passerbyer or God forbid, some kid asleep in his bedroom.


Rufus February 10, 2016 at 6:29 am

I must congradulate Frank and the crew for correctly identifying the fallen tree in PB as a Torrey Pine from the start.

I was really dissapointed by well respected San Diego media calling it an oak day afer day. Really, are they that stupid?.

It just reaffirmed my distrust for the media. So Frank, remember that you have to prove yourself and your veracity with every single story you write. So far you’re doing a good job. :-O


editordude February 10, 2016 at 9:15 pm

Dear readers: please see follow-up post. http://obrag.org/?p=103685


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