New Online Petition: ‘Stop Big Development in OB’ and ‘Keep Ocean Beach Historical!’

by on May 10, 2024 · 1 comment

in Ocean Beach

There’s a new online petition to “Stop Big Development in OB” and it’s aiming for 500 signatures. Begun by Sara Hickman to keep OB historic, the text to the petition is a slap at Mayor Gloria’s “Complete Communities.” (The Rag has a media inquiry to Sara Hickmann.)

Here’s the link to the petition.

Here’s the text:

We are raising our voices in the hope of stopping development unprecedented in OB, unprecedented waivers, and BIG Development from being allowed in OB under this program.   OB is a Historical District and current City of San Diego regulations SHOULD PREVENT this project in OB.

As part of the new Complete Community scheme developed by the Mayor and the City of San Diego and signed into action in January 2024, plans for Big Development in OB are very close to being approved.  The plans are for a 0.17 acre lot at the corner of Ebers St. and Point Loma Ave. 4705 Point Loma Ave.  Zone is CC-4-2.   Project  #1058357.  3 stories.  20 units.  3.5 parking spots.  No common outdoor space for the building.

3 stories.20 units (3 affordable)
3.5 parking spots for 20+ tenants
No common outdoor space for the building.
Existing Floor Area Ratio (FAR): ignored.
Density out the window.
Parking — that goes out the window too.
California Environmental  Quality Act (CEQA): not upheld.

What are Complete Communities? On January 10, 2024 Mayor Todd Gloria signed an executive order requiring all relevant City departments to review new housing projects under the City’s Complete Communities Housing Solutions program within 30 days and expedite the process of approval.  Link for more information on Complete Communities:

Why NO in Ocean Beach
Pages 6-7 of the City’s Housing Solutions Regulations.

Project #1058357 should be denied and the reason is written in the City of San Diego Housing Solutions Regulations.

Page 6, (b): The regulations in this Division shall not apply to the following types of development:

Page 7, (#6): Development located within a designated historical district.

Complete communities also claim public transportation is within 1 mile of the development yet the 923 bus doesn’t run after 7 pm or on weekends. There is no trolley or train or ferry.

Signatures: 332Next Goal: 500

Next Goal

132 people signed this week
Thanks to your support this petition has a chance at winning! We only need 168 more signatures to reach the next goal – can you help?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

BRIAN J CHECKAL May 13, 2024 at 8:34 am

Freewheeling development is out of control.
Parking is horrible in OB, need some common sense from our gov’t
but that might be impossible……….


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