Muslim Students Need a Different Vibe

by on April 9, 2024 · 4 comments

in Civil Rights, Education, From the Soul, San Diego

by Ernie McCray

Well, it seems
that my friend, Lallia Allali,
a renowned leader in the Muslim community,
is no longer
to tend to the learning needs
of Arab students in San Diego City Schools
ever again,
in spite of the district’s supposed
restorative justice practices wherein it claims
to be about cultivating relationships that help build and sustain
school cultures
that are positive and welcoming
for students, staff, and families.

In this situation that notion

is just blowing in the wind

like a bird lost in flight,

just drifting,

offering absolutely no remedy

for the young people

and children

Lallia has told me about

who feel alone in the world,


in their schools,

sensing no support,

as the only empathy they see,

considering what’s happening

between Israel and Palestine,

is given to Jewish students

in their view.

And I can’t help

but wonder what it must be like

feeling that no one is on your side

especially when you’re, most likely,

more scared than you’ve ever been in your life,

watching your mother and father cry

due to their close ties to

Gaza and the West Bank, and the like,

hearing their laments, their worries, their stories.

And I ask where, besides at home, can these children cry

and be heard, if not at school?

But they’re experiencing learning institutions

that aren’t even trying to listen to them and care about them,

as they see things,

their complaints ranging from just being

very uncomfortable with the way

the Middle East is talked about by teachers,

“the looks, the energy, the Vibes,”

to specifics

where some students speak of teachers

who talk only about Israelis

and what is happening to them,

completely ignoring the Palestinians situation,

and when students

counter their Zionist propaganda

their arguments are summarily decried,

and so many of them

feel generally victimized,

bullied by racist jokes,

some about what they wear

or the truths they feel inside,

making them feel like some sort of default “enemy”

not worthy of

being represented in the curriculum

in positive ways,

subject, every now and then, to their religious beliefs being challenged,

and 9-11 thrown in their face,

to having to choose “White” as their race

on standardized tests,

to having to endure discussions in history classes

about world news

that’s mostly presented according to

the United States’ point-of-view.


Oh, these children and young people
are in desperate need of schools
that can offer them a more hopeful and loving vibe.

And I can’t wait
for the school district,
when it comes to creating such an atmosphere,
to at least try.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Chris April 9, 2024 at 11:07 am
Chris Kennedy April 9, 2024 at 4:03 pm

Thank you for posting these links. In fairness to Mr. McCray, he might want to reply.

/s/ Chris Kennedy


Chris April 9, 2024 at 6:52 pm

You’re welcome. Yeah she’s not exactly the total victim she’ being made out to be. I’m sure she’s had to deal with Islamophobia her whole life, but that doesn’t mean she’s without some guilt.

When Ernie said: “And I can’t help

but wonder what it must be like

feeling that no one is on your side”.

That very same feeling is happening with many Jewish students these days, no matter what their own personal feelings are about the atrocities Israel is committing, and what they’ve been doing is horrific, but again there’s still two sides of the coin.


J April 9, 2024 at 3:18 pm

Hamas sought to provoke a confrontation and they got what they wanted. This while using their own people as pawns in a PR campaign to gain world sympathy. Yet it’s impossible to feel sympathy for a regime that committed unspeakable atrocities.


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