Local Media Coverage of the ‘Point Loma Revolt’

by on November 17, 2023 · 30 comments

in Homelessness, Ocean Beach

Here is local coverage by TV stations on Thursday night’s “Point Loma Revolt,” at the monthly meeting of the Peninsula Community Planning Board.


As San Diego struggles with shelter bed availability for the homeless, people in the Point Loma community are speaking out against the city’s plan for a new shelter near Liberty Station that could accommodate hundreds. Dozens of residents showed up to the Peninsula Community Planning Board’s (PCPB) meeting Thursday night at the Point Loma Library to express their opposition to a proposal that would turn Barracks H, a 5-acre lot on the southeast side of Liberty Station next to the airport, into a mixed-used homeless shelter.

Their biggest concerns revolved around safety, especially that of children who attend schools in the area.


A Point Loma town council meeting was standing room only on Thursday, as hundreds of residents came out to voice concern about the City of San Diego’s proposed 700-person homeless shelter near Liberty Station. H Barracks, an abandoned military facility located just north of the San Diego International Airport, was identified as the next location for its “safe camping program” that city officials wanted to open to expand emergency shelter options for unhoused residents.

According to the city, the existing buildings would first be demolished, then tents and other facilities like bathrooms would be brought in. However, speakers complained of the lack of communication from the city, and complained the location of the possible homeless encampment is too close to Liberty Station and several schools in the area.


Point Loma residents are pushing back against the city’s plans for a homeless shelter in their community. The site of the ‘H Barracks,’ adjacent to the San Diego International Airport, will be otherwise unused over the next several years. The city of San Diego is pointing to that property as an ideal location to temporarily provide shelter and services for about 700 people experiencing homelessness. It was standing room only, as more than 100 residents showed up to rail against the city’s plans for a homeless shelter near their community.


Hundreds packed the Peninsula Community Planning Board meeting Thursday night to voice dissent over a proposal to place a homeless shelter between Liberty Station and the airport. Few people in attendance supported the H-Barrack shelter proposal, so the letter of opposition moved forward.

An amended letter passed unanimously. The letter outlines concerns like public safety, lack of services, a possible negative impact on tourism and compliance.

{ 30 comments… read them below or add one }

Geoff Page November 17, 2023 at 11:35 am

Channel 7 really got it wrong when they said “dozens” of people showed up. 10 News and Fox got it right, hundreds of people, if a little exaggerated. There were well over 100 people there but probably short of 200. I will say that it was the biggest crowd I have ever seen for a PCPB meeting.

10 News related this:

“Mayor Todd Gloria responded to the drafted letter, addressing every point made.”

Neither the mayor nor his rep were at the meeting and the draft letter was only approved last night. How did the mayor respond to a draft letter unless someone on the PCPB sent it to him before it was approved by the PCPB. I have emailed the reporter asking for clarification on this this point.


korla eaquinta November 17, 2023 at 11:52 am

The sign in sheet registered 159! That does not count the children, partners and the standing room only participants that were outside.

The news coverage made many mistakes.

And it was confirmed that H Barracks is IN Liberty Station.


J November 17, 2023 at 1:28 pm

Please everyone join the cause. This is a terrible place for a shelter and will destroy our community for years to come. Please help to fight this. If we all band together we can succeed and at a minimum get Gloria out of office. He has done nothing to help any communities in San Diego.


Tessa November 18, 2023 at 5:52 am

Gloria works for those who
bankrolled his run for office
Simple as that.


Sharon Sugar November 17, 2023 at 2:39 pm

Liberty Station


Debbie November 17, 2023 at 3:25 pm

Well if the community does not like the actions and decisions of the Mayor – start a recall and definitely do not re-elect!


retired botanist November 17, 2023 at 5:22 pm

Its a nope all around re vapid resistance. whether interim or not, suck it up- its a much needed solution.


Nanci Kelly November 17, 2023 at 7:34 pm

I agree retired botanist. As previous articles and comments have expressed, this group of people in opposition so not seem to be working for a solution if, in fact, they cannot accept this one – and every possible solution is needed. I wish I hadn’t missed the meeting (had to work) – we need more voices in support to show up.


Rational Exuberance November 18, 2023 at 8:16 am

As a Loma Portal resident with a young child it’s very depressing to see so many of my neighbors up in arms over something that ultimately will never affect them. Frankly a bunch of those up in arms don’t even have young kids they claim to be protecting. The perfect truly is the enemy of the good


Woody November 19, 2023 at 5:13 am

It’s thumbs down ?? Not a safe place for this!


David November 19, 2023 at 7:40 am

In response to certain writers who seem to support the “tent city”, I think we seeing a lack of trust in our city leaders. People have seen how the city imposes something without having thought through outcomes. For example, the whole concept of the ill-thought out short term vacation rental ordinance has led to a shortage of affordable rentals (interesting, other cities thought of this issue and have limited the number in each city district- not San Diego, it’s a free for all). Why hasn’t this been addressed. Oh yes, I now remember, a council person said, oh we’ll fix it later. So, where’s the follow up on the impact? The vendor rule was supposed to fix issues. Now there has to be another turn of the crank. Haven’t other cities (successfully) dealt with the issue? Can’t the city leaders at least give explanations for their reasoning?

The devil is in the details. The proposal is to have security guards at the tent city with no enforcement power. How will police (already understaffed) handle? How will the surrounding area be impacted? Where’s the transport system for the 700 to 1000 people? Has there been an analysis by the city? Isn’t it the city who supposed to have the money and resources of how things will impact us rather asking the people most affected to come up with a “solution” as stated by one writer?

According the the posted city budget, we are spending $70 million per year, possibly as much as a $100 million for this unhoused issue, and have been for years. Where’s the success story? Where is the success story so far?

In a business, you look at desired outcomes, potential solutions, evaluate, weigh pros and cons as well as look at milestones for success. The city should have the paradigm- instead of throwing money and solutions over the fence and hoping for the best, while leaving its citizens to sort out the outcome!


Sean Lindsay November 19, 2023 at 8:55 am

What is all this focus on crowd size, you should be ashamed of yourselves. How far away would be far enough for you. How’s about focusing energy on how to address the problem or work on improving how the city’s plan is implemented. Then maybe if we take our blinders off we will see the success stories.


Geoff Page November 20, 2023 at 10:08 am

The comments on crowd size were to illustrate the sad state of local news media, why should anyone be ashamed for pointing that out? I see no reason for that.


Norm DeWitt November 19, 2023 at 9:51 am

Keep in mind that Todd Gloria is only part of the problem. There are signs everywhere protesting against SB-10 but the reality is that current policy is unlimited Bonus ADUs to where the vast majority of Point Loma and Ocean Beach could support 9 or more studios replacing each house, or more depending upon lot size. Half of the Bonus units are affordable under the auspices of the SD Housing Commission . The reality is that this Mayor and Council have torn up the community plans that generations of San Diegans have devoted so much effort to. This is just the next sorry chapter in pushing the Mayor and Council agenda to the detriment of our community.


Tamra Hershey November 19, 2023 at 9:55 am

I am a new renter in Liberty Station. I already feel Point Loma residence are greatly impacted by the homeless situation in the bordering community of the Midway district. It is depressing to shop over there during the day, and I won’t go there at night. Before we moved to Liberty Station, I asked a group of Fireman if they could tell me if there were any area they considered unsafe.
Their response was the Midway District. They explained that the area near the Sports Arena is considered to be “Meth Central” This proposed shelter will put Point Loma smack dab in the middle of two large homeless populations. Is it right to burden a community of hard working individuals with another homeless community. I think not!


Duane November 19, 2023 at 10:28 am

Why is it that our governments continues to put band aid over band aid? The problem is not homelessness; the problem is drug use and mental illness. Let’s solve problems at their core.


Chris November 19, 2023 at 1:54 pm

The main cause of homelessness is cost of living and rents being too high. Substance abuse often comes out of that.


chris schultz November 20, 2023 at 9:01 am

Not just rents. Costs that work to increase rents and or reduce spending, water, trash, sewer, electricity, insurance, taxes. 20% higher water rates coming due to imported water from the city run MWD.


carl November 19, 2023 at 10:58 am

This is not a “revolt.” This is a reactionary NIMBY cry for help. A revolt is generally against the status quo; rallying against change and positive action is a sad and pathetic attempt to preserve the status quo. These same people are then gonna go to Balboa and complain that houseless people are camping there. When the city FINALLY starts coming up with options, who’s there to save the day? Oh, the poor Point Lomans. Worried about safety? How about the safety concerns of the women and children houseless and living on the streets? Houston figured it out, poverty and violence GO DOWN when you put people in homes. And those homes cannot have tons of stupid restrictions. I feel not a shred of empathy or sympathy for the people with multi-million dollar homes in one of the wealthiest zones in one of our richest cities. Use the disued barracks, house people, and watch crime go down. It really is that simple.


David November 19, 2023 at 2:16 pm


Do you know what the proposal is? It’s for a tent city of 700 to 1000. Is this going to help affordable housing? It’s a temporary and questionable band aid.

So why wouldn’t Point Lomans ask why is this the plan? Why is this one area taking the brunt? There are around 8000 or so unhoused people in the city according to the stats I could find. Why is 12 to 15% housed here? Why not downtown where there are resources? Why build a slum? Why not distribute smaller tent areas throughout the city? Instead, this was just thrown out there. Aren’t our leaders supposed to come up with plans and present to the voters?

By the way, the same people who live in the “multi million dollar homes”pay a goodly amount of taxes- why shouldn’t they have a say about their neighborhoods just as any resident?

Maybe your railings should be against our local government who let the midway developement do away with the affordable housing. Where were you then?


Seth November 19, 2023 at 11:25 pm

“Why is this one area taking the brunt?”



J November 20, 2023 at 1:10 am

David where do you live?


J November 20, 2023 at 1:11 am

Sorry I meant Carl, Where do you live? I agree with all David said!


chris schultz November 20, 2023 at 9:03 am

I would expect Liberty station to be inundated with homeless asking for money and some breaking into cars.


Mao November 19, 2023 at 11:08 am

The city leaders are making decisions that lack consideration. This is not the first time either. It has happened so often that I am convinced they don’t care about the people living in Point Loma. Matter in fact, this is even dangerous for the children. It is a fact that this location would put children in danger. Say, “NO.” Do not let this happen. There is nothing these leaders can say to gaslight citizens here.


Steven whiting November 19, 2023 at 3:22 pm

I believe that Todd Gloria is doing a gnreat job consider other cities that have not done anything for this paroblem was created by greedy realtors and devolpers years ago Give the mayor a chance to fix this ongoing


Seth November 19, 2023 at 11:28 pm

It’s not even in Point Loma.


J November 20, 2023 at 1:09 am

Look at a map. It is on NTC Liberty Station property in Point Loma.


Seth November 20, 2023 at 10:56 pm

I know where it is. Sure, the airport is technically Point Loma. On a related note, LOL.


El November 20, 2023 at 9:48 am

Why do people have the perception the majority of people experiencing homelessness have actually lost their home due to unforeseen unfortunate occurrences such as losing a job, financial unplanned expenses, health issues….. A large portion of the homeless population are people who have mental health issues, are addicted to drugs and or alcohol, and also people who choose not to live by the structures of community and society. Those who have actually ended up homeless due to downturn of events, financial hardship, health issues, tend to avail themselves of the programs that are in place to help them. There are reach out programs in place to help people who want the help. The problem appears with people who choose, due to mental health, addictions, or personal choice to stay on the street. You can try to build as many places for them to go as you want, but unless they are required to go for treatment, help, or to live by a set of rules for safety, there will always be people to be termed homeless. Please do not lump everybody who’s on the street under the same umbrella. Go to Europe and notice that there are very few homeless people on the street. Not that they don’t have people who have the same issues as we do, but they are taken to places set up for their treatment and for their assistance. They are not allowed to remain on the street and they are not sent to some campsite where they can just leave and go back to being on the street. We wouldn’t let a stray dog stay on the street begging for food, that dog would be taken and cared for at a shelter. If we want to build a shelter for people, there is plenty of room out by the Salton Sea. There is already a settlement of people who have chosen to live off of the grid of standard society. If you want to build a tent city go there. You can provide all the required healthcare, treatment, schooling, whatever is needed. It would be more cost-effective and safer.


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