OB Rag Fundraising: We’re Over 3/4ths to Our Goal – Help Us Hold San Diego Politicians Accountable

by on August 14, 2023 · 8 comments

in Media, Ocean Beach

The OB Rag fundraising campaign which we began on Friday is over three-quarters to our goal of $1500!

Help us make the rest today.

And help us hold San Diego politicians accountable. Somebody has to keep pushing for transparency in our city government. And county.

With Democrats acting like Republicans under the “strong-mayor” system, who needs the Right on the city council?

Whether appointing the mayor’s chief campaign fundraiser as the Midway redeveloper, or helping to destroy community planning groups by gutting their entire purpose, or aiding developers in slashing rules for parking, or okaying a new surveillance system for the city, the city government has proven it needs careful monitoring.

Obviously, the Rag can’t do all of that with our meager resources — but we can certainly help.

Plus, we can continue to provide a platform on issues important to our readers and the neighborhoods we serve. The Rag has the best “comment forum” in the County.

Yet, we still have bills and pay some of our writers a miserable stipend. Notice please we don’t have to survive on ads. We don’t have to be careful of what we say or report in fear of offending advertisers or wealthy sponsors.

Nobody is making money here, you can rest assured of that. So, we rely on our readers and grassroots supporters to keep the lights on. And keep the light on the electeds.

We say it like it is — we’re not beholden to anybody – except the truth, ourselves and our readers.

How to Support Us

Send us a one-time donation via our PayPal button on the homepage; or

Become a regular monthly contributor; via PayPal on the homepage; or

Send us a check made out to “OB Rag” to:

OB Rag
PO Box 7012
Ocean Beach, CA 92167

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Frank Gormlie August 14, 2023 at 2:02 pm

Two more contributions have flowed in this morning, totaling $200; thanks C and thanks D.


Steve Zivolich August 15, 2023 at 9:22 am

Sent in $100; keep up the good work!


Frank Gormlie August 15, 2023 at 4:36 pm

Much thanks my friend. Steve is from the PLHS class of 1966 as is D.C. who also sent us $100.


Frank Gormlie August 15, 2023 at 4:37 pm

Fundraising Update: As of 430pm Tuesday, we’re $50 short of our goal of $1500!


sealintheSelkirks August 15, 2023 at 11:00 pm

Well, there’s a $25 check in the mail on the way. Probably take a few days from up here, though.



Frank Gormlie August 21, 2023 at 9:50 am

Thanks Seal, we got it.


retired botanist August 17, 2023 at 3:19 pm

Ack! Missed this deadline, but now a $100 in the mail, old-school style, to keep up the good work! Thx all at Rag for keepin’ it real. <3


Frank Gormlie August 21, 2023 at 9:51 am

Retired, thanks so much! And thanks for your continued support.


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