Bruins Appointed President of Ocean Beach Town Council

by on February 14, 2022 · 5 comments

in Ocean Beach

Corey Bruins was recently appointed by the OB Town Council Board of Directors as its president for 2022. Apparently Bruins has weathered the storms and controversies of the summer and has emerged still at the head of the organization. At least a majority of the board has confidence in him to run the group for the rest of the year.

The OBTC just held its annual election during which 182 members voted in the seven candidates running for the 7 seats. Once seated, the new Board appointed its executive committee: Cameron Reid as vice-president, Connor Harrington as treasurer, Stephanie Logan as recording secretary and Gary Gartner as corresponding secretary.

The selection of the executive committee was held during a private meeting of the board, so it’s not publicly known whether there were other candidates for the executive committee slots. Legally, the OBTC is a private organization and holds one private meeting and one public meeting each month most months. Since the pandemic, the board has been holding its meetings online via Zoom. It’s not clear what they plan for February.

The OB Rag congratulates the newly-selected leadership and board members. There’s enough challenges ahead for everybody.

News source: Point Loma – OB Monthly



{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

scott myers February 14, 2022 at 5:50 pm

Looks like we will be in great hands with Corey, he appears to be wise beyond his years.


Jay-Bird February 15, 2022 at 12:51 am



TD February 15, 2022 at 8:31 am

There were no other board members who were nominated or nominated themselves to be directors. The directors stayed the same as last year.


Tony de Garate February 15, 2022 at 9:13 am

May I assume you’re on the board, as the meeting to select the directors was not held in public?


Debbie February 15, 2022 at 8:51 am

It takes a lot of work and dedication to be on the OBTC to organize and hold events. Thank you all for volunteering your time. If there is anyone out there who may want changes you may run for election the next time around.

Corey conducted the last board meeting online with professionalism and efficiency.


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