Police Crack Down on Ocean Beach and Point Loma’s Jaywalkers, Wayward Drivers and Bicyclists

by on May 20, 2019 · 2 comments

in Ocean Beach

For a better part of this past Sunday, San Diego police came to Ocean Beach and Point Loma with their citation books out as part of a crack-down on jaywalkers and wayward drivers and bicyclists. They also went to Hillcrest – all part of a city-wide effort by the SDPD to focus on those violations that often cause crashes with pedestrians and bicyclists.

It is assumed but has not been confirmed that part of the crackdown was on wayward scooter riders.

The police do something similar at least twice a month, according to a spokesman.

In OB and Point Loma, it began at 10 am and went till 6pm as police centered on those trouble spots in the Western Division with their radar tuned to speeding, illegal turns, failing to stop for signs and signals and failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.

According to the Times of San Diego 

Roadway fatalities are climbing in San Diego as well as statewide as electric scooters and bicycles boom in popularity. In addition, there is significant use of cell phones while walking or driving.

Pedestrian deaths in San Diego doubled last year, from 17 to 34, according to city statistics, despite Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s campaign to eliminate all traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2025, known as Vision Zero.

The number of pedestrians seriously injured last year jumped to 93, up from 75 in 2017. … While no bicyclists died in car accidents in San Diego in either 2017 or 2018 – compared with three in 2016 – severe injuries rose from 19 in 2017 to 23 last year.

The results from Sunday’s crack-down are supposed to be released Monday, May 20, there has been no report made public as of this writing.

Times of San Diego 

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

ZZ May 21, 2019 at 11:58 am

Motorcycles with illegal noisemaking mufflers bother me a lot more than jaywalking and speeding. I’d love to see a crackdown on that.

Do we have to suffer another summer where a single motorcycle bothers hundreds of people with awful noise that sets of a bunch of car alarms?

Why have I NEVER seen a San Diego police officer do anything about this serious quality of life issue?


retired botanist May 21, 2019 at 2:18 pm

gotta say, I’d second that, ZZ ! I lived on Voltaire and, of course in between the constant jet engine noise overhead, the motorcycle noise was ridiculous and invariably set off the car alarm noise, which then set off the dog barking noise, which then finally set off my ‘ranting’ noise!! Have never understood why the police didn’t issue tickets 1) pretty easy to ID the offenders 2) the offenders aren’t just “one-timers” and 3) not like the police were so busy apprehending important criminals they couldn’t drill down on chronic noise-makers!
I’ll probably get flak now from all the bikers, and I am not anti-motorcycle and even rode a few Nortons and BSAs in my day, haha, but when you live on a busy street, and just 2 blocks from a busy fire station, those silly mufflers were maddening!


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