Local San Diego Anti-Trump Emergency Response Network Forms

by on May 17, 2016 · 4 comments

in Civil Rights, Election, Media, Organizing, Politics, San Diego

love trumps hate lrgThe “Love Trumps Hate Solidarity Network” Commits to Counter-Protest at Trump’s San Diego Rally

Two-dozen San Diegans met at the Joyce Beers Community Center in Hillcrest last night, May 16th, and formed the skeleton of a local anti-Trump emergency response network.

So, once it’s announced that the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee is coming to town,  a coalition has already began organizing a counter-protest. The same if Trump waits to visit San Diego until after he is nominated, San Diegans are getting ready now.

Called together by a well-known group, Activist San Diego, and chaired by Martin Eder, a long-time mobilizer for that organization, the meeting included at least one Republican, a bunch of socialists, Democrats, Bernie supporters, a Green Party person, a few independents, some just curious – and yours-truly, the rep from the OB Rag / SD Free Press.

It was clear about a half hour into the gathering, that there was an overall consensus that something had to done when Donald Trump stages a campaign rally here – and it was an unspoken assumption that he would be coming to this town at some point.

The vast majority of those in attendance committed themselves to organizing something in solidarity with all those who are being attacked by Trump and to confront him peacefully when he comes to San Diego. The group decided that it would be initially in the form of an emergency response network that would jump into action once it’s known when and where Trump would be.

A name for the network was voted upon: the “Love Trumps Hate Solidarity Network“. Demonstrators at recent political events had chanted “Love trumps hate!”, and enough people at the meeting liked it as part of the coalition’s title.

Some tasks were divided up, and the groundwork began for San Diegans to show the country and the world that a lot of Americans oppose Trump.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 23rd, site TBA. Watch this space for future announcements.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

tia May 17, 2016 at 12:03 pm

Thanks, Frank. Informative article. Please do keep us updated on future meetings & events.


JACK LANDERS May 19, 2016 at 12:15 pm

Get used to it losers, President Trump is in. If you don’t like it, move to Mexico and take some illegals with you. Yeah, and what are you losers going to do start violence because that’s all you know? The prisons are waiting for you.


Frank Gormlie May 19, 2016 at 1:16 pm

Normally, the OB Rag comment section is not available for crackpots, racist or sexist trolls, and others from the extreme right-wing, but we made an exception to Jack Landers’ comment because it shows the fear of and threats to the left of center vast majority of Americans.


Frank Gormlie May 19, 2016 at 8:09 pm

Donald Trump will be in San Diego Friday, May 27th at the Convention Center at 2pm; we’ll also be there.


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