Ocean Beach Planners Have Another Controversy on their Agenda Wed Night – May 1st

by on April 30, 2013 · 2 comments

in Culture, Environment, Ocean Beach

OB Inn at Sunset Cliffs 02Yessiree, the OB Planning Board has yet another controversy on their agenda for Wednesday night, May 1st.  This time it’s the Inn at Sunset Cliffs issue.

Briefly, at issue is the application by the owners of the Inn, at 1730 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard – at corner with Point Loma Ave. – of a permit for what’s being called “an ‘after-the-fact’ surfacing of a deck on environmentally sensitive lands”. The Inn has 24 rooms and sits upon a .56 acre plot.

OB Inn at Sunset Cliffs 01b

The controversy involves the top of the cliff at the rear of the 24-room hotel.

There has been some opposition in the surrounding neighborhood to this application, and there is an expectation that residents from that area will attend the meeting to express their views.  Reportedly, the sub-committee of the Board that usually makes recommendations to the full Board on projects before it did not take a stand on this issue.

This meeting is the Board’s monthly meeting, held in the OB Rec Center, at 4726 Santa Monica Avenue. The meeting usually starts sharply at 6pm.

There are a few other items of interest on the agenda, such as the certification of newly appointed members to the Board – if any.  If there are open seats on the Board after its annual election, the Board then has the power to appoint qualified new members. The remainder of the meeting will include the standard fare, minutes, committee reports, reports by reps of politicos.

Here’s the official agenda:

OB Plan Bd Agenda 5-1-13

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Frank Gormlie April 30, 2013 at 1:10 pm

I apologize to our readers, especially to those who live in southern OB, for I inadvertently was calling the Inn at Sunset Cliffs the “Point Loma Inn” – which is incorrect. Thanks to Judi for catching this. And I’ve made the corrections – before editordude finds out.


judi curry April 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

That “editordude” is very forgiving!


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