Who is cutting down the trees at the Ft. Rosecrans cemetery?

by on November 9, 2010 · 2 comments

in Culture, Environment, San Diego, Veterans

ft rosecrans trees 01

This is the question.  People who frequent the national cemetery out at Ft. Rosecrans are reporting that someone is cutting down the trees. And some of these people are not happy at all.

There is a rumor that the new director out there feels they must be chopped down due to dangers caused by the rain-soaked grounds.

We will be looking into this – in the meantime, if anyone knows anything, please let us know here.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Dianne November 9, 2010 at 9:42 pm

Thank you for following this. Sadly within the last decade eight huge trees were removed by homeowners on my street. One guy said the exquisite, lacy olive tree that had graced his yard had died. So? Now it’s just a boring expanse of grass.

Speaking of trees, I recently heard Garrison Keillor read this poem on KPBS:
The Woodcutter Changes His Mind by David Budbill, from While We’ve Still Got Feet: New Poems. © Copper Canyon Press, 2005. Reprinted with(out) permission

When I was young, I cut the bigger, older trees for firewood, the ones
with heart rot, dead and broken branches, the crippled and deformed

ones, because, I reasoned, they were going to fall soon anyway, and
therefore, I should give the younger trees more light and room to grow.

Now I’m older and I cut the younger, strong and sturdy, solid
and beautiful trees, and I let the older ones have a few more years

of light and water and leaf in the forest they have known so long.
Soon enough they will be prostrate on the ground.


Danny Morales November 10, 2010 at 9:20 am

Closing the VFW in O.B. and cutting down the trees in Rosecrans National Cemetary sends a poignant and clear message of how our governing class will treat those who volunteer to defend (class) society and its (U.S.) interests. – O. Sama Long (Surf Terraist)


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