San Diego County Moves to Enforce COVID-19 Health Orders – But Is It Too Little and Too Late?

by on August 5, 2020 · 4 comments

in Health, San Diego

By Gary Warth, Morgan Cook / San Diego Union-Tribune / Aug. 4, 2020

The county is beefing up its enforcement of its health orders to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus and is putting more money toward child care and food services to help people struggling during the pandemic.

Under a plan approved by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, the county will spend $1.8 million over the next six months for 22 staff members to respond to businesses violating the public health orders. The move is part of an effort for the county, rather than law enforcement, to take the lead in enforcing its health order.

The violators targeted in the new effort are separate from those considered egregious violators, defined as a willful and sustained disregard of the county health order, posing a significant risk of spreading the virus.

The county has already dedicated $1.4 million to handle those more severe cases by funding a call center and developing a mobile phone application to help inspections, among other efforts.

The action is the latest sign the county is taking a more aggressive stance toward violators of the health order, which has prohibited indoor activities for gyms, churches and restaurants, among other restrictions.

For the balance of this article, go here.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

unwashedWalmartThong August 5, 2020 at 3:35 pm

These are strange times, indeed. It’s almost like swimming through jell-o while doing ‘shrooms under a black light during a full moon while a thunder storm pounds through clouds above.


Frank Gormlie August 5, 2020 at 4:10 pm

I think you’re trippin’ now ……wow ……


OB Joe August 5, 2020 at 4:03 pm

Dang! Government response has been soooo inadequate so far. How long will it take for this “enforcement” team to be up and running? 4,000 complaints so far? OMG


Frank Gormlie August 5, 2020 at 4:19 pm

Looks like back whenever the photo was taken (1940s?), OB had its very own police division. Kind of like “Terriers”. Hey, I remember these buildings in the early 60’s. The building on the right used to have a burger, soda, candy window.


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