Cliff Swim Turns Into Cliff Rescue – Photo Gallery

by on April 2, 2010 · 1 comment

in Culture, Environment, Health, Labor, Ocean Beach

cliff rescue 4-1-10 jg 06

Sunset Cliffs rescue, 4-01-10. All photos by Jim Grant.

At first, it looked safe to go in. So, two young highschoolers decided to try swimming at Sunset Cliffs. But Katie Kitchenka and Breyaundra Woods, both 18 years old and from Steele Canyon High School, soon found out it was too cold.

They tried getting back to shore, but couldn’t.  Fortunately, an off duty border patrol agent came upon them yelling for help, and he threw them a beach towel and helped get them to a ledge.

In the meantime, a friend of the girls friends called 911.

First responders showed up in force and lowered gurneys and brought them to safety.  Jim Grant, who witnessed the rescue, commented that “it could have been body bags REAL easy!”

Once again, public servants saved the day. Good thing we’ve still got them.  Thank you, you guys and girls.

Also, a big tip of the hat to Jim Grant.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

BillRayDrums April 3, 2010 at 8:21 am

Jim Grant is like Batman!!


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