New Banners for OB Celebrate ‘High Tides’ and ‘Good Vibes’

by on March 15, 2024 · 3 comments

in Ocean Beach

Thirty new banners are gracing the lamp posts of Ocean Beach. Thanks to the OB Mainstreet Association.

19 banners are on on Sunset Cliffs and 11 are on Newport. They will be up until November, when holiday-themed banners will take their spots.

Here the rest are:

More than 30 local artists submitted concepts for the banners, an annual project of the OBMA and this year the artists were asked to interpret the theme “High Tides and Good Vibes.” OBMA narrowed the field to 10 different pieces from seven artists on 30 vibrant canvas banners, each 8 feet long and 30 inches wide. They feature scenes ranging from parrots and pelicans to lifeguard towers and the pier.

The banners’ street locations were chosen to enable viewers to see them when arriving in OB via Sunset Cliffs Boulevard and while walking through the business district in the 4800 to 5000 blocks of Newport Avenue.

About the Artists – From OBMA website

Aaron Adams

I’m a local artist. I have murals located in the Harp on Newport Ave. I absolutely love this town. And would love to brighten up our streets with some beautiful artwork.  I’m also the drummer of a local band called SUEDE RADIO.
Thank you for your consideration Website:

Darlene Bebrin

I have been residing in Ocean Beach for 27 years, painting for 50 giving lessons to adults as well as children throughout the community. I have given children with a need for art my art in their little hearts including many schools in OB as well as many underprivileged.

Jamie Hoffman

Jamie Hoffman is a visual artist living in Ocean Beach since 2020, and a San Diego native. He is known for his eclectic style and his work in a variety of mediums, including jewelry, pen and ink drawing, metal, resin, work, and paper crafts. His art is inspired by the natural world, a rainbow of glittery colors, and the people that make up the community around him. His work is intended to bring joy and happiness and is often commissioned to create “that think you just can’t get anywhere else.” Website:

Jenn David Connolly

Jenn David Connolly is the founder and creative strategist of Jenn David Design, an Ocean Beach-based design studio partnering exclusively with food brands. For over two decades, Jenn has been designing bold, iconic food brands that stand out as distinctive leaders in their categories and achieve outstanding success—through solid strategy, a curious mind, and exceptional creativity. Outside of work, Jenn likes to do all things creative, including digital illustrations of beautiful scenes in OB. Website:

Jeremy Evans

I am an artist living here in OB with my partner Diana. We are the owners of OBMG and the b Gallery in the Newport Avenue Mall. Art is a passion and has a purpose. The passion comes from the experience of life itself. The purpose can be many things, but one of the primary purposes of my art is to supply people with a memory of their visit to our community. A lot of my artwork ends up in the hands of tourists and ultimately on the walls of their homes. I imagine that years may pass and children and grandchildren may see these images. For some, it may be the memory of the trip to Ocean Beach, for others the memory of their parent’s or grandparent’s homes. These are special and important memories and I am honored to be the artist that brought that memory into their home. Website:

Roberta Sutton

Roberta lives in Ocean Beach with her family (photographer Christian Kelly, OBE student Finbar, and dog beacher Coda Koda). She is the studio manager of The Artist Outpost on Voltaire St. and teaches art to both kids and adults. When she’s not teaching or playing with her family at Life Guard Tower 5, she paints portraits of Ocean Beach landmarks and families with a focus on daily life. Website:

Tessa Elisabeth

I am a Magical/Fantasy style Artist based out of Ocean Beach. My main medium is Acrylics, but I have been recently taking up mixing with oils and digital as well.

I have done a few murals around San Diego, and love teaching Acrylic Workshops and after-school art classes. I believe an image holds the power to shift the perception of an individual, therefore having a knock-on effect on the outer manifestation of the collective consciousness. Website:

Here’s more from the Pt Loma – OB Monthly.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Seth March 16, 2024 at 9:28 pm

Hey, my wife is in that article. Well done!


Frank Gormlie March 17, 2024 at 12:14 am

Congrats to you both.


Seth March 17, 2024 at 4:34 pm

I didn’t do anything, but she’s pretty good. Congrats to all the artists.


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