Amazing Response to OB Rag Funding Appeal: Week’s Goal of $1,000 Surpassed in 3 Days

by on July 18, 2016 · 1 comment

in Culture, Media, Ocean Beach

ben franklin press 2It’s been an amazing 3 days for the OB Rag!

We have now raised $1,200 since Friday morning, July 15th – so in just 3 days, we have surpassed our week’s goal of $1,000. Wow!

The out-pouring of support and sense of sponsorship among our readers and fans has been humbling and inspiring all at once. And there’s a definite sense of relief.

Many of the contributions have flowed in from our OB readers. Thanks so much, everyone.

We’ll keep the campaign going the rest of the week, of course, but any tension from not knowing whether we’d make our goal is gone.

Some of the contributions came in with comments. Here’s our favorite:

“While we may not always agree, you are an incredible resource for our community. Thanks”

These contributions will allow us to focus once again on our articles and posts and research. We can now turn to our roles as citizen journalists – and the modern-day Ben Franklins.

BTW, we are looking for contract writers/ reporters / bloggers who can take on assignments for a paltry sum. Please email us at


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judi July 18, 2016 at 11:43 am

Fantastic! It is a show of more than just “lip service.” Thanks for sticking to it, Frank, and thanks to our readers for their generosity.


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