Reader Rant: ‘Tell the City to Reject Design’ of Controversial Froude Project

by on May 26, 2016 · 3 comments

in Culture, Environment, History, Ocean Beach

OB Froude New Design project parry


Editor: The following “Reader Rant” was submitted to the OB Rag as a comment to the controversial Froude project – being heard by the San Diego Planning Commission today, May 26.

By Milladro

I am a third generation OB/ PL resident.

My great grand father, on my mothers side, arrived in San Diego during WW1 while serving in the US Navy. He purchased a modest home in the 1940’s where two subsequent generations have raised families.

That home has had its ocean views blocked by not one–but two boxy, out of proportion architectural designs.

These kind of developments really get under my skin.

I have spent a few years studying design, living space and landscaping. I know that there are ways to go about real estate development that are considerate, environmentally responsible and fit into the character of a neighborhood.

In my opinion many of these new developers lack vision or are just plain lazy.

I love this community and don’t want to see it turn into a Manhattan Beach.

If you have the money to consider building something like this I challenge you to get out your car and take a walk around get a feel for these this area. Respect what it is here as it is and design it from that direction.

This looks like something for an urban district plopped somewhere it does not belong. I know there ways to go about this that will cost less to build, fit into the feel of the area and will still give you the profits you desire.

There is a great opportunity to create something amazing– go back to the drawing board because this isn’t it. This development will effect us directly, it will block the afternoon sunlight in our livingroom and most likely stop any precious cross breeze we get.

I have to work so please if anyone is attending this meeting let them know as next door neighbors we would prefer a more reasonable harmonious design regarding this project.

Tell the city to reject the design.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Dorita May 26, 2016 at 1:38 pm

I second the motion. This turkey needs to go.
O B is under assault not only by design plans such as this one, but also by make-a-buck schemes like Air b & B. Last night, I was awakened at 3 a.m. by a group partying down the block – where someone rents out his/her house for vacation rental.
These are the kinds of things that can tear our precious community apart if we don’t hold the line.


Pat May 26, 2016 at 5:18 pm

It’s happening over here on Niagara. 1 Block away a classic 100 yr old cottage that would qualify for our Historic cottage program, scheduled to be demolished any day and replaced by 4 huge units. 2 houses down vacation rental in quiet residential neighborhood. Disruptive yes. We’ll see how it goes this summer. I have some friends who wanted to by a cottage in OB to fix up and live in. They put in an offer at full asking price. They we’re outbid by people willing to pay more in cash without even seeing the cottage. You can probably figure out what that means. Scrape and build big. This is what we’re faced with. How can we save what we cherish so much about this community?


Marian Dangelo May 26, 2016 at 7:56 pm

Did you folks go to the hearing today for Froude Street?


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