News Around OB and the Peninsula

by on January 22, 2014 · 27 comments

in Culture, Environment, Media, Ocean Beach

Seaworld protest 1-19-14

A crowd of protesters gathered at SeaWorld’s entryway on Sunday, Jan. 19.

 OB Pier Closed Due to High Surf

On Tuesday, the 19th, San Diego Lifeguards closed the OB Pier due to dangers from the high surf – as waves hit the structure and even poured over it.  This rare occasion didn’t stop those who wanted to get a closer look at the turbulence and surging swells.

Surfer Rescued by Two Women Lifeguard “Heros”

Channel 10 TV news reported that a surfer was rescued off Sunset Cliffs on Tuesday by two women lifeguards.

Aaron Kirkeby had been surfing at Sunset Cliffs for a couple of hours with some friends enjoying the large waves when he began to get tired.  And the waves began getting larger. He began to fear for his safety and told his friends he needed help.

Kirkeby, told 10News:

“It’s just scary. [It’s] my life, you know. Big sets come and you get caught on the inside, you know. I just didn’t want to find out what that was.”

He wasn’t a beginner as he’d been surfing for 5 years, but he’s also not a top-notch surfer, as he admitted.

 “The current was really strong, so you have got to be careful on Mother Nature; it’s a strong animal.

 “It’s not about anything other than surviving because it could take your life — that’s the bottom line,”

 Fortunately for him, San Diego Lifeguards had already increased their staffing. Once alerted, lifeguards powered up a jet ski, found Kirkeby and pulled him from the water in what they later called “expert-level only surf”.

Both the rescuing lifeguards were women.  Once he saw them, Kirkeby out “Yes!” later  recounting his thoughts:

 “It’s funny, two chicks pull up on a jet ski, and I’m like, ‘Yes!'” he yelled through laughter.

 Kirkeby said they weren’t just any “chicks”, telling 10News,

“They’re heroes.”

 At first, Kirkeby was a bit too embarrassed to go on camera, but his better self took hold and he was able to appreciate what had really happened.

The reason this is special news is that these two women lifeguards proved that their gender didn’t matter in rescuing this surfer.  Unfortunately, often women lifeguards are denigrated in lore and pay. This story helps to settle the beach-myth of the super-macho lifeguard.

Seaworld protest 1-19-14 03SeaWorld Protest Draws One Hundred

About 100 protesters crammed the front gate to SeaWorld on Sunday, Jan. 19th. For a couple of hours, they ensured any park customers would see their messages.

3 Ebers Units Sold for a Million

Three residential units in Ocean Beach at 1971 Ebers St., San Diego 92107, has been sold for $1.05 million. The buyer was Michael L. Dale,(News source: The Daily Transcript – subscription)

OB Ebers 1971

Navy to Replace or Repair Controversial Underground Fuel Pipeline through Point Loma

The Navy is getting prepared to deal with 4 and a half miles of pipeline that runs close to the water’s edge by either repairing or replacing its sections. They want to  either repair or replace the pipes and move the pipeline up to Rosecrans Street. In order to carry out the project, the Navy needs public comment.

Part of the Navy’s proposal is also to relocate a mile of the line – a pipeline that does cross the San Diego River, and to add shutoff valves in the event of an earthquake.

The 60-year-old pipeline is controversial as local residents have complained for years about the their fears and the dangers of a fuel spill. Erosion or high tides could wash the pipes loose, some fear.  The line is not just close to the water, but it also flows underneath houses in the area.

A lot of fuel flows through the pipeline – millions of gallons in fact – each year. It goes from the Naval Base Point Loma up to the Marine Corps Station at Miramar – a distance of 17 miles. Despite media reports of pipe corrosion and metal loss, the Navy insists it’s all safe.   The repair and replacement program will proceed.

 Rocky Neptune’s Life Celebrated

Rocky Neptune, a San Diego and Tijuana activist and writer – and occasional reporter for the OB Rag – will have his life celebrated on February 1st. Rocky’s murder in Tijuana on December 7th shocked his friends and family.    His ashes were spread off the Rosarito Beach pier.

Rocky was involved throughout the years with a number of organizations and causes, including the San Diego Quaker Meeting, Peace Resource Center, the San Diego Affordable Housing Coalition, Activist San Diego, Green Party, homeless issues, gay rights issues and more. He was also a journalist/writer with strong opinions on many issues.   More info:

 Lyle “Rocky” Neptun — Celebration of Life
Saturday, February 1, 2014 2 p.m.
First Church of the Brethren Sanctuary
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105

 Please bring vegetarian finger food to share.  Hosted by: Democratic Socialists of America, David Barrows, Virginia Franco, Carol Jahnkow and Herb Shore.  Please join together with friends of Rocky Neptun for a celebration of a life well-lived

Coastkeeper Calls on County Water Authority to Enact Mandatory Water Conservation

It’s official: California is now officially in a Drought. Gov. Brown announced it. 2013 was  California’s driest year in 119 on record.  The state’s snow pack is at an all-time low of 20 percent its average. Sacramento and other northern California cities have already imposed mandatory water restrictions to conserve shrinking supplies.

With this in mind, San Diego Coastkeeper calls on the San Diego Water Authority to be a responsible water agent for the county, the state and the Southwest region by requiring San Diegans to use water wisely.

“As water importers, we have a responsibility to conserve when our end-of-pipe habits have devastating effects rippling throughout the western United States,” said Waterkeeper Matt O’Malley about San Diego’s impacts on the Colorado River Basin and the Sacramento Bay Delta.

“We import over 80 percent of our water from outside the region, which means the low snow pack and the drying Colorado River have major implications on our water supply.”

From CoastKeeper:

According to the Water Authority’s report, regional water use is down, while independent transfers from the Colorado River are growing and reservoir storage is up.

But, says O’Malley, this doesn’t tell a complete story because increasing water imports is unreliable, expensive and unfairly affecting other communities. He says that the region sucks almost half of what it uses from the Colorado River, named the Most Endangered River in America in 2013, and another 30 percent from the San Joaquin River Delta in Northern California. Additionally, water-related energy use consumes 19 percent of California’s electricity, exacerbating climate change concerns.

In San Diego, residents use about 140 gallons of water per day per person. That compares to less than 50 gallons of water per day per person in Australia, where they have similar weather patterns and living standards.

“We have to ask ourselves, if in San Diego County, 60 percent of water use goes to landscape irrigation and other outdoor activities, are we really doing what we can to conserve?” says O’Malley.

When the Water Authority enacted mandatory restriction in 2009, county residents responded by conserving around 20 percent. And in 2009-2011, the region reduced its water use by 14 percent.

“With all of the odds stacked against our water supply and residents’ responsiveness when asked to reduce use, we see mandatory water conservation as the new standard in water supply for San Diego,” O’Malley said, noting that this should extend beyond the implementation of water reuse and desalination currently planned in San Diego. “It’s the only way to ensure an affordable California way of life that we all love.”

For more information on San Diego Coastkeeper and water supply solutions, please visit


{ 27 comments… read them below or add one }

Bearded OBcean January 22, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Nothing quite like using little children as pawns in their parents’ protests.


obecean January 22, 2014 at 5:22 pm

So you favor parents leaving their kids home alone?


Bearded OBcean January 23, 2014 at 10:28 am

Or maybe prioritize the kiddies by not having them stand around for several hours holding signs that they have no idea for which they are demonstrating.

I’m sure you’d all feel the same about demonstrating with kiddies if their parents had them hold signs of aborted babies outside of an abortion clinic?


obecean January 23, 2014 at 1:25 pm

Perhaps in your family you only did what your parents forced you too. I’d guess many of the children pictured could tell you exactly why they are there & what their sign means. Perhaps they could even open the closed mind of an old finger pointing curmudgeon….


SaneVoice January 23, 2014 at 1:57 pm

Yes, because a child under 5 years old holding their sign backwards certainly knows exactly why they are there and what their sign means while mugging for the camera. I’m certain their parents haven’t brainwashed them to support their adult cause. These parents you naively support are a small step above dance moms, living their own failed dreams through their children.


John Filthy January 23, 2014 at 2:41 pm

Kids can sense animal cruelty as well or better than adults.

Kids have little understanding of god and Jesus during for their sins, but they go to Sunday school every week.


obecean January 23, 2014 at 10:17 pm

“SaneVoice” my arse!

Caging dolphins and whales for corporate profits is criminal behavior that humans will one day look back on as barbaric and downright evil, driven by greed only. The only naivety on the subject is yours because you obviously believe the charlatans who tell you this these tank cages are good for the whales.


SaneVoice January 24, 2014 at 9:52 am

Excuse me, Professor. Did my statement say anything supporting Sea World ? No, it just pointed out how these poor excuses for parents will trot out their children to advance their cause. Now put your bong down and go find a real job or a worthwhile cause.


obecean January 24, 2014 at 11:27 am

You came to criticize demonstrators for whatever reason you can find. In this case, for bringing their children along. Often folks are quick to condemn anyone who exercises their 1st Amendment right to free speech and peaceably assemble. Civic action events are perfect for children to learn the myriad of issues involved: in this case animal rights, free speech, corporate greed and community . Evidently, civic action is the only way we can get the attention of our “leaders” anymore as they have become agents of large corporations like San Diego’s ‘sacred cow’, foreign owned Sea World.

It is you ‘Sane Voice’ who needs to put the bottle down and think before criticizing those who stand up for those who cannot, in this case the whales in captivity at SW. Free the Whales !!


Goatskull January 24, 2014 at 12:43 pm

“Civic action events are perfect for children to learn the myriad of issues involved”

Ok so what would you say if you spot small children holding signs as directed by their parent supporting gun owners’ rights? Or their favorite conservative/Republican candidate? Or keeping the cross on Mt. Soledad? To people on that side of the coin that qualifies as a “civic action event”. Neither SaneVoice or the bearded dude said anything to remotely give you the impression that they are pro Sea World.


obecean January 24, 2014 at 1:01 pm

‘What if’ monkeys flew out my backside?

I’m against small children handling fire arms at demonstrations. In this case, Sane Voice and Bearded Obecian choose to attack messengers (and their children)without confrotnting serious issues involved which is really whimpy.

Goatskull January 24, 2014 at 1:29 pm

You are seriously missing the point and I believe you know you are. I didn’t say anything about small children handling firearms at demonstrations. I’m not pro-gun BTW. You are clutching at straws here and you know you are.
Also they were not attacking the messengers. They were criticizing using small children to further a political cause. Many people feel that way on both sides of the political coin. I myself would have had my kids involved just like in the pics (if I had kids) so I myself am in disagreement with them. I was defending them in the implication that they are pro Sea World.


SaneVoice January 24, 2014 at 1:44 pm

If these parents want to use their children as pawns in their politics, then they should be prepared for themselves and their children to be “attacked” as you say. You can’t have it both ways, using your child as your signboard, but then say comments about children are off-limits.

But I’m privy to your ongoing idiocy. Earlier this year, you were defending the vandalism that happened to the lifeguard statue as harmless fun. Your “obecean” moniker is title only, you could care less about OB, the Sea World issue or anything else of substance. You’re just nothing but an internet troll.

obecean January 24, 2014 at 2:04 pm

poster paint on a statue is vandalism? You are a comedy act yourself!

I like many others pointed out that the placement of the statue was an open invitation to playful decoration as was the ‘Cardiff kook.’

Lighten up Francis, your “privys” are showing.

Is this tag team professional wrestling?

John January 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm

You mean like they freed (killed) Willy?
(Willy AKA Keiku would obviously have been better off if never captured. And he was better off taken away from that Mexican zoo and his tiny tank in a warm climate. However that’s where the folly begins. Purely for ideology activists ignored that all signs were pointing toward the pitfalls of a release, yet they insisted and went through with it. The animal was heartbroken and alone without the human companionship he’d come to know and was unable to hunt and feed himself and socialize with the others in his former pod. Keiku was soon found dead, far away from his pod.)
Before you go spouting off about freeing the whales do a little background research. Those are the facts about Willy.


Frank Gormlie January 27, 2014 at 10:33 am

From wikipedia:

Keiko died in Taknes Bay, Norway while under the care of personnel from The Free Willy-Keiko Foundation on December 12, 2003, at about 27 years of age. Pneumonia was later determined as his probable cause of death. Following requests from fans of the orca and Free Willy, the Oregon Coast Aquarium held a memorial service for him on February 20, 2004. 700 people attended the service, during which Thomas Chatterton, a veterinary chaplain said, “Keiko was not one of our kind but nonetheless, was still one of us.”[12]

There is a memorial site for Keiko set up by the locals in Halsa, Norway. Norwegian school children built a wooden cairn to mark the spot where he is buried. Tourists continue to travel to Norway every year to see Keiko’s final resting place, honoring his legacy as the most famous whale in the world and an ambassador of captive whales worldwide.[13]

John January 27, 2014 at 11:21 am

Did you miss the lead of the article, Frank?

“Keiko (earlier Siggi[1]) (c. 1976 – December 12, 2003) was a male orca who is best known for portraying Willy in the 1993 film Free Willy and a failed attempt to reintegrate the whale into the wild.”

It would appear you’ve tried to offer as rebuttal some contention over the circumstances of his last moments alive while ignoring that the larger point=freeing him- was not in his best interests.
I’m sorry if “found dead” was an error on the details. It’s the way I recall the story as I watched here:

Perhaps “found as good as dead from pneumonia, weakened from malnutrition, and later died” would have allowed me to smugly declare I was right. However that wouldn’t help the whales.

Goatskull January 24, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Are you responding to me or obecean?


SaneVoice January 24, 2014 at 2:43 pm

Sorry, Goatskull. You seem like you have a decent head on your shoulders. That was meant for the enabler of criminal action and mouth breather, obecean.


obecean January 24, 2014 at 3:16 pm

Trade insults? No prob! Take a bag of dicks. They’re you.

want2surf January 23, 2014 at 6:13 am

Nothing quite like parents bringing kids up with a sense of morality, caring and community involvement. Wait, I’m checking our history …. yep, the true spirit of living in OB is supportive of that effort.


obecean January 24, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Whooo-de-doo, neighbor!! For those who missed…

I still stand by all comments. Looks like the statue is still standing despite being “vandalized” by water based dayglo poster paint. From what I understand, someone (s) tried to clean of the paint with some type of thinner which was the cause of discoloration, which has disappeared (or blended)too by now.


Jon January 24, 2014 at 4:02 pm

Ok people, enough with the insults. Think of the children For Christ’s sake! :D


Talkingheadroom January 25, 2014 at 12:08 pm

Who’s to say the parents aren’t there to support their children? We give children to little credit when it comes to their ability to see injustice and the desire to speak out against it.


obecean January 25, 2014 at 12:47 pm

Obviously some here only did what their parents forced them to do and can’t fathom anything else exists! Great point talkinghead!


Bearded OBcean January 27, 2014 at 11:09 am

You’re missing the forest for the trees dude. You don’t think any of these kiddies were “forced” to hold signs with their parents? So you’re cool with my 2-year old holding a sign of aborted babies outside planned parenthood? Is she being forced to hold the sign, being used as a pawn in politics, or ruminating on all the potential little friends that’s she’s missing out on?


obecean January 27, 2014 at 12:38 pm

You see a picture and cast judgment. Your real agenda is to mock the demonstrators who are exposing Sea World’s animal rights abuses. Many children are keenly aware of what constitutes animal cruelty, believe it or not children have brains and have compassion.


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