A Musing Rising from a Photo Taken a Few Years Ago

by on December 9, 2020 · 3 comments

in From the Soul

A Musing Rising from a Photo Taken a Few Years Ago

by Ernie McCray

As usual
my mind,
as the minds
of dreamers do,
was just wandering,
as I scrolled through
a picture or two
and one made me pause
for a moment or two,
one of me
all relaxed,
kind of, if you ask me,
sharp as a tack,
looking like the world
had my back
on a warm sunny
Southern California day.

I thought about
how when I posed that day
early in the century
I was just a few years short
of seeing things
beyond my imaginings,
amazing things like
a Jamaican named Usain Bolt
who ran like he had wings,
social media taking over everything,
Shakira shaking her thing.

Historic things like
a Black Man
in the West Wing;
a Latina
seated in the highest
court of the land;

Bizarre mesmerizing things like
Kanye West on TV
before my very eyes,
a pop star
as she was accepting a prize,
rappin’ some extremely unwise
highfalutin jive
about how she should be denied
the prize
because Beyonce
(who, at this point
is red-faced
with shame and surprise)
had a video for all times.

Who knew
there was such a thing
as a Brotha
looking out for a Sista
at the wrong place
and at the wrong time?

Oh, it’s remarkable
what a moment in time
can bring to the surface in
the altering winds
of one’s mind
and I began to feel other memories
wanting in,
memories I didn’t
care to entertain right then.
So I brought my musing
to an end.

Until I feel like musing again.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Olivia yslas December 9, 2020 at 6:44 pm

Beautifully written Ernie! I hope everyone is doing well. I never forgot the letter you wrote for me. The beautiful thing about life is that we have our amazing grandchildren. Stay well and keep on dancing????


Lorena Slo December 13, 2020 at 7:22 am

I am an eternal fan of your musings! Gracias.


Tomas Gayton December 14, 2020 at 11:13 am



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