Is Bernie a True Socialist?

by on October 23, 2015 · 3 comments

in Civil Rights

2/26/13 9:14:06 AM -- Washington, DC, U.S.A --  Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, addresses members of The American Legion 2013 Washington Conference at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC.   -- DC reporter Nicole Gaudiano is writing about Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his new post as chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. He's speaking at an American Legion event on Tuesday, Fe. 26. It will be at the Washington Hilton ballroom at 9 a.m. Burlington is interested in shots of him with veterans, maybe before or after the speech. It would be nice to have one for the record speech photo as well. --    Photo by Andrew P. Scott, USA TODAY Staff  ORG XMIT: AS 43109 GAN VT SANDERS 2/26/201 [Via MerlinFTP Drop]

Anonymous guy.

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Tessa October 23, 2015 at 1:30 pm

Bernie is similar to FDR…..when he gets in, even with the great odds of Wall Street and Congress stacked against him, he will carry the day and start to tilt the table towards the “common man”.

Work for him, and donate often.

Consider the alternative…


Dana Levy October 24, 2015 at 9:11 am

OK, What the hell is a “true” socialist?? He is miles ahead of everybody else in the race and says it like it is. Should we have to settle for the same old crap or is this fresh air what we yearn for? I say YES to the latter and NO to the first part! He raises all the points that I feel way down deep. There is no label that will do him justice and I am proud that he is telling the whole truth, for that is sorely missing in all other politicians on any slate. Go Bern, win or lose you have my support and admiration. Your gumption and passion are a welcome change that all others should embrace and emulate.


Andrew October 26, 2015 at 3:22 am

If you believe Sanders is ahead in the race, you haven’t seen the latest (or any) polls. Clinton is so far ahead of Sanders, there’s no way she won’t be the democratic candidate facing off against Trump next year. Sanders is down by at least 20 percent, Clinton has a huge lead.

And no, I don’t think Sanders is a “true” socialist. I think he’s in it for himself like every other politician. I think the only candidate that truly wants to do what is best for this country is someone who’s lost hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money for his campaign, not a politician, but a business man, Donald Trump. With his consistent lead in the polls since the very beginning, I’ll be surprised if Trump doesn’t win.


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