Planning Meeting for “March for Healthy Food” – April 25

by on April 25, 2013 · 1 comment

in Ocean Beach, San Diego

Colorful vegetables and fruits

The local organizers who are planning a march against Monsanto on May 25th, in San Diego (there will be marches elsewhere across the country) are holding a first planning meeting tonight to create something positive and lasting from these efforts. They want to create  something positive for the food systems of our local and global community.

1st Planning Meeting : April 25th (Thursday)

 6:00 PM at People’s Coop

 4765 Voltaire St, San Diego

The following is from their Healthy Food for Local Earth website:

Intention: Bring together anyone in San Diego with an interest in planning, supporting and participating in the CommUNITY March for Healthy Food.

 Objective: Creating 3-5 actionable goals that we want to support as commUNITY to create a healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego.

 This component of the march has arisen from the Local Earth Collective to provide a clearly defined goal that we would like to work together as a community in San Diego to create. As a collective we are choosing to focus our energies into what WE WANT TO CREATE as a HEALTHY and SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY.

 “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ? Richard Buckminster Fuller

 We are choosing to focus on finding common ground upon which we can collectively work to create a healthy food system for this planet. Rather than provoking a fight with Monsanto; we are choosing an open hand and invitation for positive collaboration with any individuals or organizations (including Monsanto) that results in steps forward in our planets collective journey towards health, happiness and justice.

 Choosing to fight ‘against’ something requires a lot of energy and often leaves us with limited energy left to CREATE what we are IN SUPPORT OF. As a collective we are proposing that we harness the energy of this event and focus it into creating something positive for the food systems of our local and global community. We feel it is necessary to make sure we clearly know what we are in support of and provide solutions, if we are choosing to take a stance against something.

 See the Facebook group ‘Healthy Food for Local Earth / San Diego’ – for discussions on how to generate local actions we can take to create a healthy and sustainable food system for our planet!

 We will be meeting Thursday, April 25th in the community room at People’s Coop from 6:00 – 7:00 PM to discuss and plan what positive steps of action we are ready to take! (Address: 4765 Voltaire St, San Diego, CA 92107)

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Josh April 25, 2013 at 12:18 pm

“We invite anyone in OB/San Diego to join us in planning and creating the ‘March for Healthy Food’ on May 25th! This is a positive action componenent of the ‘March Against Monsanto’. We will be focusing our energies and thoughts into what we want to CREATE in San Diego to support a healthy and sustainable food system. Our first planning meeting is this Thursday at 6:00PM at People’s Coop and our next planning meeting in next Thursday (May 2nd – 5:30 PM) at the World Resource SIM Center downtown. Please join us as commUNITY!”


thank u!


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