Exit Poll: The Spectacle of Campaign 2008

by on February 5, 2008 · 1 comment

in Election, Media

Your Enthusiasm and the Media’s

By Tom Engelhardt

“Drawing from the best resources on national and local platforms, Fox will bring together America’s two greatest passions — politics and football.” So said Marty Ryan, Fox News executive producer of political programming, describing that network’s addition of a three-hour “Super Tuesday political preview” to the usual day-long football festivities. In that way did Fox News manage to catch the zeitgeist of the moment, creating a 24/7 spectacle of super-entertainment by merging the number-one top-draw extravaganza, Super Bowl Sunday, with the mid-week surprise of a writer-starved TV season, Super Tuesday.

Each was guaranteed to be a dawn-to-midnight entertainment spectacular. Each was to be a talkathon of experts and pundits (including the Las Vegas odds-maker Fox interviewed Sunday who was “handicapping” both events in more or less the same breath), interspersed with mega-ads and mega-ad stories, as well as some thrilling action, leading toward results that, in each super-case, we, the viewers, would sooner or later have known, even if no one had said a word. Don’t be surprised, if, on this Super Tuesday, you see Troy Aikman, Terry Bradshaw, and Jimmy Johnson calling the shots alongside the Fox News crew. After all, the “showdown” under the dome of the University of Phoenix Stadium was to be followed two days later by what ABC News termed a “showdown coast to coast.” (Normally, O.K. Corral-style “showdown” logos have been reserved for cruise missile shoot-outs on Main Street with global perps like Saddam Hussein.)

[For the rest of the article, go here to tomdispatch.com.]

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Dave Sparling February 5, 2008 at 5:08 pm

EXIT POLLS died in 2000. There was a time when they were a good barometer of votes. Then BUSHWORLD was born. Old things no longer worked. Creation science replaced science. Events Americans would have never believed before were now called truths. Leadership directed by humans who claimed to have direct contact with a God. Humans living in fear, fear change more than anything.


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