Remembering Baby

by on December 8, 2021 · 5 comments

in From the Soul, San Diego

Painting by Marley Mandela McCray Anderson

by Ernie McCray

came into our lives
near the turn of the century
about eighteen years ago,
out of nowhere,
it seems,
a kitten
tramping through
our yard
and hanging out
on our front porch,
perhaps sensing
that she was at the right place
and she was so right
as Nancy, the mother
and the wife
in our house
was the animal kingdom’s
as she fed the neighborhood’s
feral cats
and made trips
to Project Wildlife,
with injured animals
and birds with broken wings,
a regular routine
but it was our twins,
Tawny and Nyla,
who brought Baby in
and none of our pets
have brought us more love
than this wonderful being
who loved snuggling
and kisses
and any
contact with humans,
receiving such
from three generations
of us:
Nancy and me,
our children,
all three,
and their kids.
will be missed
but, Marley,
one of the grandkids,
a kindergartener,|
painted a picture
to keep her alive
as a memory.

Rest in peace,
little sweet

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Frank Gormlie December 8, 2021 at 10:17 am

The loss of a dear pet can blindside you like nothing else. Had a great dog named “Baby” even though I’m a cat-lover. She got along great with the cats, with kids and people – just not with other dogs.


Ernie McCray December 8, 2021 at 3:14 pm

And you lose so many in a lifetime but they stay in your soul forever.


Angie December 9, 2021 at 8:19 am

It never gets any easier, losing a fur/scale/feather friend. Our family has always brought strays in and welcomed them to the menagerie. They give us so much love in such a short time. My heart has many scars from many passing. They remind me of all the love I’ve been blessed with.

Marley did a beautiful job. I can see the love in the painting.


Glen Barfield December 9, 2021 at 12:44 pm

Aloha, I remember every one of those valued fury and feathered friends over the last 70 years like they were with me last week. We lost Gloria, our golden retriever, last February and after a month we had such a big hole in our family we started looking for another dog. It took six months of having our desire out there and this very large, 10 year old golden/irish setter presented himself and he is now an integral part of the family. The love and entertainment is endless. Mahalo for your thoughts, Ernie, Aloha, Glen


Kathy Meagher December 9, 2021 at 1:57 pm

So sorry Ernie to hear this sad news about Baby. What a great cat she was??


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