Public Announcement: Empty Lot at Voltaire and Abbott to Be Fenced In – Car Towing Begins Sat., Feb. 27th

by on February 23, 2016 · 2 comments

in Environment, Ocean Beach

Voltaire 509- emtylotThis is a public announcement:

The empty lot at the southeast corner of Abbott and Voltaire will soon be fenced in, as construction on the 2-story units will begin soon.

“No Parking” signs went up Monday – and any cars in the lot will be towed beginning Saturday, February 27th.

The development company contacted the OB Rag and asked us to give our readers a heads up that this is all happening real soon. They’d rather not have to tow anyone, they told us.

So, dear readers, be forewarned. Changes are coming down and that empty lot that folks have been parking at literally for decades is ending this Saturday.

Here is the report of the meeting of the OB Planning Board when the development was approved.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Taxation without Representation February 23, 2016 at 9:18 am

Have you heard anything about planned development? The current design is above FAR


Frank Gormlie February 23, 2016 at 9:35 am

The development for this lot has already been approved by the OB Planning Board, in September 2014.


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