First Day

by on November 7, 2008 · 3 comments

in Civil Rights


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Patty Jones November 9, 2008 at 7:50 am

Amen Brother. This needs to be at the top of the list.


Lorie Grant November 10, 2008 at 11:48 am

I voted NO on Prop 8 but am at my wits end hearing folks insist how African-Americans should not have voted for Prop 8. Here is my response to a blog log that could not understand how on earth someone who is the target of discrimination could possibly hold an opinion differing from their own. Here it is. “I must comment regarding African-Americans championing Prop 8. As an important but much maligned segment of our population that has consistently been the target of much racism, hatred and myriad other forms of bigotry, African-Americans turned to faith as a means to console themselves in the face of constant injustice. Religious faith is conservative in its values regarding homosexuality. Therefore, it is not a huge stretch to see African-American support for Prop 8. When people say that an entire segment of Americans should not vote for something they believe in because they themselves were at one time discriminated against, it discounts their beliefs and is in itself a form of prejudice.”


Abby November 10, 2008 at 6:08 pm

Lorie, I see your point, but religion really should enter in to this any more than race. No one should be allowed to use the law to force their religious beliefs on everyone else.

This is about equal rights, not race or faith.


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