OB Citizens’ Patrol to Meet Tuesday Night at Tower Two Cafe – Oct. 16

by on October 16, 2012 · 1 comment

in Civil Rights

The OB Citizens’ Patrol – set up in response to several sexual attacks and peeping tom in northwest Ocean Beach – will hold its second meeting tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 7pm.  The group meets at Tower Two Cafe – owned by Tim Nolan, who has been organizing the patrols.

Last Friday, Oct. 12th, the patrol had its first launch, with people going out from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m., and then again at midnight until 3 a.m. But they just missed a stabbing at the Oktoberfest.

Unfortunately, about a half hour before the patrol left its organizing site at Tower Two, a stabbing victim was “pulled from the crowd in the beer garden at the Ocean Beach Oktoberfest on Friday evening” reports Mercy Baron at the San Diego Reader.

“Two groups, consisting of three people each, were leaving to start the first patrol from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. when someone was stabbed in the crowd at the beer garden at the end of Newport Avenue at around 8:30 p.m.”

Some reports state that there have been three sexual assaults in recent weeks in OB, but only two have been officially reported and are in the public’s knowledge. There has been reports of a peeping tom in 7 incidents on Saratoga Avenue.

The idea of the Citizen Patrol came out of a meeting at the OB Woman’s Club, held October 3rd and organized by several women because they had had such a negative response when they took their concerns about the sexual assaults and peeping tom to the OB Town Council.

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chris dotson October 18, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Reposting crimemapping.com updates here, too, in case some folks are not following other articles or the OB Crime Watch page on facebook. Sorry, if you’ve seen this already:
key excerpts of crimes reported 10/11-10/17. The three assaults appeared today, so seems there is a lag in when certain crimes are reported, which reenforces the belief of some the data are manipulated before posting. The pier stabbing doesnt seem to be referenced but may be an example of how the on-scene report is taken:

*****10/17 2:05am, 2100 blk of bacon
assault with deadly weapon not a firearm
****10/16 6:10pm 4800 blk of newport,
assault with deadly weapon not a firearm
10/16 11:20am. 4800 blk of Niagara, petty theft
10/15 8:40am vandalism, more than $400, 4800 blk of newport
****10/14 1:07am. 5000 blck of newport
assault with deadly weapon not a firearm
10/13 6:15pm, residential burglary, 4800 blk of cape may
****10/12 7pm, sex crime other, 4800 blk west point loma
10/12 8pm commercial robbery, no weapon, 4800 blk Niagara
10/12 8:29pm 5000 blk Niagara, Robbery other, weapon used


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