Get Ready to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 30-Foot Height Limit

by on September 15, 2022 · 0 comments

in Ocean Beach

Join other San Diegans in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the passage of the 30-foot height limit. In November of 1972, 63% of voters throughout San Diego voted to pass the citizen-initiative, known as Prop D.

Beginning in early October, a group of beach residents and supporters who are forming an ad hoc committee will carry out a series of celebrations and press conferences in San Diego’s beach and coastal areas to bring the message of this historic celebration to our fellow residents.

Donna Frye has endorsed this effort and states:

Fifty years ago, San Diego voters approved a ballot measure to preserve access to our beautiful coastal resources.  They did this by putting in place a height limit to protect our natural environment and prevent our beaches and coast from becoming overbuilt with high rises.

Despite claims to the contrary, San Diegans knew that bigger buildings would not make housing more affordable or our coastline and beaches more accessible; it would simply make buildings bigger and make the builders more money. San Diegans also knew that protecting and preserving the natural resources along our coast would be an ongoing job.

Time has proven the voters of 50 years ago to be correct. Today, as we celebrate our coast and the ballot measure that voters approved so many years ago, we must do so with the knowledge that our work is never over.

As Peter Douglas, the executive director of the California Coastal Commission for 26 years, used to say, “The coast is never saved. It’s always being saved.”

Stay tuned for more announcements. Contact Frank at if you are interested in being part of the ad hoc committee.

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