Advice From a San Diego Property Manager on Being a Tenant During the Pandemic – Because He’s One too

by on April 1, 2020 · 16 comments

in Ocean Beach, San Diego

Originally posted April 1, 2020

By Friend of the OB Rag

Hi there, I’m your property manager. You probably think of me as “the landlord,” and more likely in even more unflattering terms – in most real estate fields it seems 80% of us are typically conspiring to make the other 20% look bad. I’m sorry about that, really, but please try to understand there are a few of us out there who want to do right by you.

I’m also a tenant, as are a lot of us managers. Some of us work for discounted rent in an owner’s building, but I rent my condo from a different owner whose properties I don’t manage. Being able to see things from both sides of the spectrum, I’m hoping my insight will prove helpful to at least a few people.

What do I do?

Just about everything that an owner doesn’t. I clean up and remodel vacant units to get them ready to rent, show them to you, and write up your lease. I collect your payments, use that money to pay the owner’s bills, and send whatever’s left to them. If your sink leaks, your refrigerator breaks, or you’re mad at your neighbor, you call me to come fix it. The office phone rings through to my mobile when I’m not at work, so I take your calls after hours and on weekends, too.

How do I get paid?

I collect a small percentage of the rent you pay each month before I send my owner a check. If I don’t collect rent on a unit, I don’t get paid. That’s usually not a problem, at any given point in time maybe one or two of my units are vacant and a few more are late on rent. It becomes a huge problem, however, if everyone stops paying. And quite frankly, that’s a real possibility.

In this case, my income drops to zero. But it doesn’t mean I get to stop working – your toilets are still going to clog, your garbage disposals will still jam, maybe even more often than before because you’ll be home a lot more using them.

I won’t be home. As much as I might want to self-isolate with my family, I’ve got a duty to you to go visit your apartments and houses, go to home improvement stores for parts, and come back to do the work that keeps your house functional and safe.

Some of you are still calling me because you’ve broken your toilet paper holder and want it re-hung – please don’t do that, not only do I not want to expose myself to you but you really don’t want to expose yourself to me – if emergency room doctors don’t have access to PPE you can damn well bet that I don’t. I’ve been out in public a lot more than any of us should be the last few weeks, so unless you’ve got a serious issue please be understanding if I tell you it’ll have to wait for a while, it’s probably better for your health anyway.

Aside from me and my zero-pay hazard duty, I’d also like you to consider my owners for just a second. Before doing that, let’s think about how we generally conceptualize “the landlord.” You’re thinking of a wealthy land baron, or some faceless corporation or real estate investment trust, fueled by millions or billions of ill-gotten stock market imaginary dollars, right?

“Fuck that guy!” you’re thinking. And with good cause – lots of rental property in this country are owned by villains who fit exactly that description, many of them certifiable slumlords like the Kushner Companies.

These aren’t my people. I manage small buildings and single-family homes, often places older owners have moved away from to rent out in order to supplement their Social Security income. Yes, they make a profit from renting their buildings out, but they aren’t and never have been rich. Instead of investing their retirement savings in corporate stocks, they’ve invested in places for people to live.

It’s easy to make a broad statement like “If you don’t have at least a year’s worth of income in your savings account you have no business owning real estate.” I’ve heard that one bandied about with frequency of late. But let’s be honest – unless you’re middle-aged or older and lucky enough to have a retirement account (with steep early withdrawal penalties), how likely is it that you’ve got more than a month or two worth of cash on hand (again, if you’re lucky to have even that much)?

This crisis is going to affect all of us profoundly. Please remember that you’re not alone when it comes to being scared in the days and weeks to come, and whether you feel sympathy for fellow humans or righteous schadenfreude at the failing of others know that a lot of your landlords are feeling just as much pain and trepidation as you are.

So, what do we do about this? Unfortunately that answer isn’t so simple, despite the twitterati insisting “Cancel all rent indefinitely!” succinctly ends everyone’s problems.

Last month the City of San Diego, and then the entire state, declared a moratorium on evictions related to unpaid rent as relates to COVID-19 losses. That’s a start, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough. For the latest on what’s going on locally, the San Diego Housing Commission has a helpful primer:

First, and you need to understand this if you’re a tenant who’s about to skip a rent payment, your rent is still due! The eviction moratorium only means you can’t be evicted for not paying, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay eventually.

Information is still coming in piecemeal, but from my understanding at present under the San Diego ordinance (language still not finalized as of March 31), you’ll have six months after the state of emergency is lifted to make up all back rent.

How’s that work? Suppose your rent is $1500, and the emergency declaration lasts until August. You decide not to pay anything, meaning you skip rent in April, May, June, and July. You’re now $6000 in the hole, and you not only have to start paying rent again in August, you have to average an extra $1000 a month on top of your regular rent until next January to come current or you could still face eviction.

Oakland is the only city with clearer guidelines I’ve seen to date – they’re saying you can never be evicted for back rent during the emergency, but they’re not saying that landlords can’t eventually come after you for the balance due. And I’ll note that having managed property all across California, Alameda County is one of the most tenant-friendly municipalities that exists.

Another caveat that isn’t easily conveyed in news snippets is that you’ve got to prove that COVID-19 is somehow responsible for your inability to pay.

I’ll take a note from your employer saying your hours have been reduced or that you’ve been laid off when you come to me asking for break on rent, but you might have to meet a more stringent documentation requirement if your landlord isn’t me and you don’t want to pay. Be ready for that.

Also, if you’re still getting your full pay to work from home, remember a global pandemic isn’t an excuse to cash in at the expense of people who are really suffering, and the courts probably won’t be on your side when push comes to shove. But if you’re the type of person who just hates going to the office and still does your job, you may be able to make a strong case that you never needed to be there in the first place; unfortunately that’s not a part of this argument.

Now, let’s suppose that your owner gets a forbearance on their mortgage. What’s that mean? Basically, whatever they owe gets tacked onto the end of their loan – so if they get to skip four payments, they might end up making up an extra six at the end of the loan to cover the interest that keeps running. Not a big deal, because they’ll ostensibly still have tenants paying rent to cover the mortgage even then. But it’s not like they’re getting a free pass, they’re just getting more time to pay while their lender gets to collect extra interest in the long run.

Meanwhile, their bills don’t stop coming. Most owners pay their tenants’ water bills, and outside the city (or in buildings with more than four units) they pay the trash bills too. There’s also property tax, which may be delayed but not canceled. And if you’ve got any common areas like a courtyard or pool, they still have to pay maintenance people to take care of that (even if the pool is closed for the time being). There are also electricity bills for common areas or, in some cases, those may even cover your apartment – your owner might get an extension on paying them, but they’re still going to have to cough up money someday.

With all of this, we’ve forgotten that small owners, the kind I work for, don’t have a huge cash reserve. They’re relying on rent to cover their own bills. That $1200/person one-time check the government is promising might help them float through one more month, but in the long run it’s not going to do them any more good than it does you, and I’m sure knowing you’ll get one payment, one time only, isn’t making you feel super secure right about now.

If we’re going to expect an extended hiatus from rent, not only do we need an ongoing source of income for tenants, we need an ongoing source of income for everyone (means test this if you must, but I’d prefer any such testing be retroactive in the form of a tax penalty for the truly rich on next year’s return).

Ack, what a mess. What to do? Everyone is going to come down on this differently, but here’s my take.

For now, I can afford to pay my rent, so I’m going to pay it. If the worst case scenario comes true and income from my job falls to zero, I’m going to pay what I can. My own landlord still has to pay HOA dues on my condo, plus insurance and property taxes. I hope what I’ll be able to pay will cover that, that he’ll get forbearance from his lender to skip a mortgage payment, and that government stimulus will make up for most of the money he’s losing from me not being able to pay what I owe.

If the current trends hold, I’m still going to owe whatever I don’t pay, if not now then eventually. By paying a little bit now, it reduces the amount I’m on the hook for later. If the rules change (and they’re changing every few days at this point), I’ll look for more relief in the future and trust that my landlord, because I’m keeping a line of communication wide open with him, will likewise share whatever relief he’s receiving.

Final note: I’m conditioning all of this on your property owner being a living, breathing human who relies on you as much as you do on them. I’m asking, as a human, that you have sympathy for other humans, and to realize that just because someone may have inherited property, or spent their life working to acquire it, they’re not necessarily evil. If you’ve got a “burn it to the fucking ground” mentality about our current state of affairs, please make sure you live in some mega-complex or your property is part of some massive portfolio of assets held solely for greed. If that’s the case and you’re willing to stake your financial future on sticking it to your owner, more power to you.

To get through this, we need a lot more than a freeze on rents and mortgages – we need a true social safety net that’s going to prop up every living and breathing person. We need a health care system that provides equal access to all of us, rather than one that’s means-tested and denies life to those of us who don’t have the means to buy it. We need comprehensive, systematic reform, not the status quo or a slight tweak that marginally improves a few lives but leaves most of us out in the cold. For all of these things I’m hopeful, but not optimistic. And please, if you’re my tenant and paying rent is a problem, call me – I promise we’ll work it out. If it’s not, please don’t take food out of my kid’s mouth for the sole purpose of smug self satisfaction.

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }

Gregg Sullivan April 1, 2020 at 2:39 pm

Excellent. I’m a landlord/owner and agree with everything you say here. I’m not rich by any means. Barely getting by. Renters have to understand what happens financially up stream. I think you were very succinct about this. If they can’t pay me I worry about my bills and mortgage payment. I have a private lender hopefully he’ll be understanding if it comes to that. Maybe not he might be worse than a bank. I know we’ll all get through this somehow.


sealintheSelkirks April 1, 2020 at 4:49 pm

“Renters have to happen financially upstream?” Being at the bottom of the feeding trough OF COURSE renters know because they are always the ones to get shafted first. We’re ALWAYS looking up at the ‘trickle down’ economy Reagan loved to speak of so much.

This economic system cannot handle a Pandemic. This thought causes cognitive dissonance in everyone because we’ve all been raised in a society that doesn’t allow any other kind of thinking except Capitalism. Which is beyond being wholly unsuitable to respond to 1918 revisited with 6 billion plus more mouths to feed on the planet since then and cities absolutely teeming with millions living elbow to elbow. GAH! Doesn’t anybody understand the history of Pandemics? Our species has had so many of them.

Capitalism: Millions of N95 masks & other PPS gear is being SOLD to the highest bidder and flowing OUT of the US. Puts a entire new face on Capitalism, doesn’t it? I can make MORE money by selling masks in the US to overseas buyers I get rich. Read the link in my comments at OB RAG: First Day of Spring in OB.

What part of Worldwide Pandemic are people not understanding? What part of ‘worse than the 1930s Depression unemployment levels’ makes no sense? Anybody read history or listened to what their grandparents/g-grandparents stories were about being adults in 1918 or 1930?

What part of ‘social distancing and NOT going into stores and then into people’s houses is not understood? Touching doorknobs? Touching flat hard surfaces like doors and door jambs, walls, countertops, sinks surfaces, stair banisters, toilets?? Lab testing is now saying paper products like cardboard carries the live virus for 3 or more hours. Think take-out is gonna last much longer? Amazon sweatshop workers are coming down with it all over the country sending out those necessary deliveries so many people are making.

What part of ‘hope for the best, plan for the worse’ and ACT as if it is worst case does everybody not get? My biologist friends are boggled at the lack of science knowledge in the US population, and not in a good way. Both taught high school science/biology so it isn’t actually unexpected to see such ignorance so prevalent in the adult population. They battled ignorance their entire careers. Looks like they lost, too…

Landlords: So who will pay the workers you collect money from for their lost wages in a government-enforced job loss? Since the government made them lose their jobs of course the FEDS should be paying ALL rents for people out of work. TAlk to the Feds for your cash! And that cash living payment should include gig and under-the-table laborers, everybody gets a living wage that covers all expenses basic expenses including food and medical. Since Trump suddenly ‘found’ $2 trillion (to possibly $10T) to give to the rich corporate owners, of COURSE he can find another half trillion to pay everybody’s bills for a couple of months. Or 18 months. Whatever, eh?

And all those jobs will just magically re-appear instantly the Day After Easter when Trump wants everybody in church, but then there is this to think on:

LINK: A ‘third wave?’ Hong Kong thought it had a handle on the coronavirus pandemic — it doesn’t
And of course everybody will get a raise for doing so well with this seclusion, except of course all those crappy service industry jobs that are the main support of this economy. Think they’ll be able to pay off the ‘rent debt’ in six months? And their cell phone bill and their electric/gas bill? Or their car insurance bill?

Hey what about that? If you can’t pay car insurance do we all get a moratorium on NOT having a valid insurance card if we get stopped? Doesn’t seem quite fair since the tickets will be from the same entity that closed the jobs. s/

Landlords, expect this. People are going to be…1930s in a month. Or at least our pampered selves will feel like it is.

Wish Trump would listen to:

Former WHO Director: 8-Week Suppression Strategy Could Stop US COVID Crisis in Its Tracks

So two months no paychecks at a minimum for people who live from paycheck to 2 weeks and another paycheck. As I said earlier, this economic system cannot handle a Pandemic.

Bernie is still in the race. I’d start thinking about shifting my thinking right about now because what we got ain’t gonna work.



retired botanist April 1, 2020 at 5:11 pm

Ok. Frankly, a very thoughtful essay and a considerable amount of fairly useful information. Certainly more than we are getting from the govt right now, so thank you for that.
If only your cohort was the majority of “owners”. It’s not, so while I extend kudos for you, and your owner ‘subset’, these perspectives just don’t apply nationally. And we know, gaugers, will find every opportunity to take advantage. What will ultimately be passed on to the renter consumer to recoup losses? What advantage will “small business /utility /sewage/water/ trash discount ” sorts of things be available to the owners, but not the renters?
Of course, rent, whether due now or due later, will be due. Eviction takes 30 days notice anyway, covid notwithstanding, And $1200 isn’t going to pay the rent for more than 0.1% of the population who are renters, in service industry jobs, that rely on tips to make rent, thx to 12$ minimum wage in CA.
Its just sorry, but not sorry. Not so much about you, but about an extraordinarily fucked up system that enables STVRs, does not provide adequate renter resources, dwellings, and a cultural/economic system that does not provide low-income wage people with adequate living circumstances. Nevermind the totally unsheltered, which is not your issue nor subject of the discourse.
Again, I hope some find usefulness in your post, its appreciated, but it it does not diminish the inequality of the playing field.


Chris April 1, 2020 at 6:59 pm

Well there is a big difference between landlords and actual building/property owners. Most “landlords” simply manage the property and have no ownership in the property.


Peter from South O April 1, 2020 at 8:48 pm

Not true. A landlord by common definition is an owner who rents property to a second party. You are apparently referring to a property manager.


The manager April 2, 2020 at 11:46 am

I think we’re in full agreement that everyone, tenants in particular, needs a lot more help than what’s being offered up. 10 million people have reported losing their jobs in the last two weeks, there’s probably that many more who haven’t filed or aren’t eligible to file for unemployment. How many of them are losing health care at a time when access is more critical than ever before? I’d ask how many are going to be able to pay their bills with the one-time stimulus, but we’ve both already noted that answer is probably close to zero.

My big concern right now is that too many people are taking these announcements of eviction moratoriums to mean that rent is canceled. Those people are going to be in for a rude awakening once they come out on the other side of this – how are they going to be able to go right back to paying rent after the emergency when many will have to go out looking for new jobs, then wait a few weeks after finding one before paychecks start rolling in? How are they going to be able to make up back rent on top of that? The six-month time frame is ridiculously short-sighted, and I’m already anticipating having to double that (at least) for those hit hardest.

Maybe rent needs to be canceled, but because that hurts so many other people (not just owners and managers but maintenance workers, landscapers, pool techs, cleaners, tradespeople and I could go on) I think a better idea is larger and recurring direct individual stimulus. Giving everyone UBI, at least for the next few months and extending at least a month beyond when we’re given permission to resume normal life, means that they can keep eating, and keep paying at least a portion of their other bills. It won’t fix things if you go from a $4000 job to a $2000 government check, but it’ll stop them from getting as bad as I fear they’re going to get if we do nothing but cut checks to airlines and hedge funds.


denine April 1, 2020 at 8:18 pm

I have to admit, I needed to pause in the midst of reading this article to look up: “schadenfreude”. I am fortunate to rent from a local and I am grateful I was able to pay my full April rent today. I have confidence my property owner will work with me in the event I can only pay partial rent in the future.


realtor April 2, 2020 at 9:58 am

Great article! I wish I could compliment the writer directly because everything he says is dead on.


sealintheSelkirks April 2, 2020 at 12:19 pm

This is good. Very good.

FEMA had now jumped into the fight…by ordering 100,000 body bags and 85 refrigerated trucks. What do they know that we aren’t being told by the Trump Regime?



Will July 1, 2020 at 6:46 am

Excellent article! As a retired dude I used a big portion of my life savings to buy a little four-plex in North Park a few years ago. I have great tenants, in part because I have regular conversations with them about the cost of operating the complex. I want them to understand what things cost, so they can be informed consumers and informed voters.

Uninformed renters believe that landlords are rapacious sons of bitches, ripping off the working class, but the reality is that I get to keep only a nickel of each dollar of rent paid. Taxes, utilities, maintenance, and the mortgage eat up 95% of my tenant’s rent.

My tenants are dumbfounded when I tell them that 25% of their monthly rent goes straight to property taxes. It doesn’t go to me, it goes to the county.

So be careful when you cast all landlords as bad guys. For the last two years us landlords have been pummeled by new laws limiting our operations and you know what that does? Increase our costs which are passed onto tenants.

Same goes for “developers”. You know how to slow down rent increases? Allow developers to build more rental units. Our population is continually rising. Where are those people going to live? And Short Term Vacation Rentals? They’re screwing you big time by removing rental units from the market and turning apartments into hotels. If you are a renter, STVRs should really piss you off.

Remember these things come November. Elections have consequences. If you vote for candidates who promise you more housing regulations, be prepared for less housing options and higher rent.


Geoff Page July 1, 2020 at 10:59 am


You sound like a decent guy but one statement you made I have to comment on. “You know how to slow down rent increases? Allow developers to build more rental units.”

Allow developers to build more rental units? What’s stopping them? I’ve been involved in the Peninsula Community Planning Board for many years and have seen a steady stream of what they call “Map Waivers.” What happen is this. Developers permit plans to build apartments. While under construction, even as early as the framing, they apply for a Map Waiver to convert their projects to condos before they are finished and these are always granted. Why do they do this? Two reasons. The first is that the process to build apartments does not require public review as do condos, so by doing this, they avoid all public scrutiny of what they are building. The second reason is that they make more money by selling condos, very few want to build apartments and then have to manage them.

The development community is one of the reasons why there are not enough rental units available. The STVRs are another, I agree.


Will July 1, 2020 at 12:10 pm


You have seen the inside of the permitting process. It’s messy, time consuming, expensive and the outcome is unknown. Why would you invest your money in that?

What is stopping builders from building more apartments are anti-landlord laws, high development fees, the time it takes to get a building permit, the hassles of the public hearing process where everybody has a vote against a project without having a dime of their own money invested, and frankly, NIMYies. In other words the risk involved with building apartments sends most builders to the condo or commercial building side of development.

Who suffers from all of these time and cost add ons? Tenants.

Make it easier and more profitable to build apartments and you’ll see more apartments being built. More apartments added to the market will give tenants more leverage and more choices.

But unfortunately our supermajority legislature has address the housing shortage by not streamlining the building process, but instead passing anti-landlord laws. Anti-landlord laws driven apartment building investment money into condos because there are less hassles and bigger returns,

Investment money flows down the path of least resistance combine with the greatest returns. As long as building apartments is an expensive pain in the ass, they won’t get built in the number in which we need them.

And STVRs….yeppers. I wonder how much of OB’s rental stock was taken off the market by STVRs? My daughter rents a one bedroom near Brighton and Bacon for $2,200. That’s a shame. I wish there were more apartments for rent in OB which again, would give her and other consumers more choices, but the city of San Diego and our councilperson have turned a blind eye to residents in favor of the STVR tourist.


Geoff Page July 1, 2020 at 1:02 pm


“You have seen the inside of the permitting process. It’s messy, time consuming, expensive and the outcome is unknown. Why would you invest your money in that?” The outcome is not unknown and developers have been investing their money in that for many, many years.

“What is stopping builders from building more apartments are anti-landlord laws” What laws?

“high development fees” The fees get passed on to consumers, the developers don’t absorb these.

“the time it takes to get a building permit” No matter how long it takes to get a permit, developers would complain.

“the hassles of the public hearing process where everybody has a vote against a project without having a dime of their own money invested, and frankly, NIMYies.” This one I will strongly disagree with. That process is in place to protect the community and the community has many dimes invested in their own properties and businesses.

“In other words the risk involved with building apartments sends most builders to the condo or commercial building side of development.” The only risk I see is the public scrutiny that you seem to completely devalue. What other risks are there?

“Who suffers from all of these time and cost add ons? Tenants.” You just got through saying developers don’t build apartments. And, developers don’t care, the costs are not paid by them.

Make it easier and more profitable to build apartments and you’ll see more apartments being built.” I just got through explaining that it is so much easier to build apartments that developers start projects as apartments, then convert them to condos to make more money. How do we make it “more profitable” for them?

“But unfortunately our supermajority legislature has address the housing shortage by not streamlining the building process, but instead passing anti-landlord laws.” Again I ask, what “anti-landlord laws?”

“As long as building apartments is an expensive pain in the ass, they won’t get built in the number in which we need them.” Why is building apartments “an expensive pain in the ass?”


sealintheSelkirks July 1, 2020 at 5:15 pm

What a different world we live in since this article was first posted.

What, 50 million jobs lost that filed for unemployment? And probably nearly many again that were NOT eligible to even sign up that lost their under-the-table poverty level ‘jobs’ or the gig economy jobs like musicians, etc etc. The barely afloat mass of the population has eaten shit to be blunt about it. As usual, the ‘official government figures and stats’ don’t even begin to speak to reality. But we ought to be used to that by now, yes?

And what have we seen done since the first of April for renters, or for the non-corporate landlords?

$4,000,000,000+ for the wealthy that own the banks and corporations. Not including massive tax breaks that have also been slid into the ‘stimulus’ packages for the wealthiest. Wow, what a surprise eh folks? And then this ‘best in the world economy’ cannot handle being closed for even a freaking month without those so-called ‘essential workers’ who turn out to be the lowest-paid wage slaves of this economic system who are forced to work or else forced to stay home to fall into total poverty. But those workers barely manage to pay their rent, car insurance, and cell phone bill on those wages much less the emergency root canal. With far too many catching this Pandemic disease in unsafe working conditions because, well, they are ‘essential’ aren’t they and if they stop working their crap jobs…what’ll we do without service industry workers? Who’s gonna stock the toilet paper??

I mean, the US ran out of toilet paper due to the absolutely bizarre stockpiling. I mean, butt wipe? REALLY? Was that a statement on the real state of the nation’s mental condition?

And, after a whole six weeks of being only semi-shut down when compared to Hong Kong or South Korea, or radically clamping down like what Finland and New Zealand did very early on to stop the infection rates, here in the US huge numbers of people continue to vie for being named as a Darwin Awards recipient. So much for thinking themselves exceptional, eh?

But the wealthy decided that the economy had to ‘open for business,’ again against the frantic efforts of scientists and the infectious disease specialists and Pandemic specialists and the doctors and nurses who were just begging the politicians to stop that madness. No, Capitalism is obviously unable to survive a Pandemic. It’s crumbling like a sand castle at high tide.

And shortly, as the courts open and an estimated 20 million plus eviction notices are processed, an enormous number of people will be sitting on the curb with their belongings because with the crappy wages paid in this country and that obscene 1 bedroom apartment’s $2,200 a month of back rent due from tenants who DON’T HAVE THE CASH or a job or any chance in hell of coming up with that much money. The moratorium gets lifted but nobody but the wealthy have a piece of the 4 trillion dollars to pay bills with (as IF billionaires couldn’t afford their 400 foot yacht dock fees?).

This isn’t going to turn out well, landlords.

Disclosure: I’ve been a landlord of numerous single family homes at various times. I understand both sides of this disaster in the making.


If this Greater Depression we seem to be falling into at an ever-increasing rate continues the downward spiral, it’s the small landlords like Will above who will be bought out by hedge funds and investment houses when he fails to make his payments to the bank. Just like during the 2007/08 bank crash when the same corporations bought millions of bankrupt homeowners homes out from families while they were sucking up tax dollars in their trillion from Wbush in bailouts that Obama gleefully continued without a qualm.


retired botanist July 2, 2020 at 4:51 pm

ya know what? Thank you Seal and Geoff, but I’m just not going to even read the rest of this BS. The minute I see see “Affordable Housing” in the title, I’m out. The private developer just gets to increase the density of dwellings most of America can’t afford. Our unsheltered population in this country, marked at several millions, is our BIGGEST domestic disgrace. What? Leave it it to Father Joe and others to provide? What? Leave it to the Feds saying “we allocate $s to the States to administer funds to programs”, What? Leave it it to feds to say “These people are are mentally ill and drug addicts and won’t go into offered shelters- there’s nothing else we can do…” a despicable old chestnut.
So, ANY LANDLORD that isn’t behind what should be (and isn’t) a shameful Federal problem in this country, isn’t speaking up enough.
Yep, we give individual States the right to allocate these sorts of funds. And guess what? Its not working, inc case anyone has noticed the past 20 years.
SHAME ON THE US, and SHAME ON ANY LANDLORD not EARNESTLY involved in this plight.


Michele C September 27, 2020 at 11:15 am

I am a renter and 100% agree with you. We have been renting our townhouse for 8 years now. It is beautiful and I work hard to keep it that way. We treat this townhouse like it’s our own and care for it as such. It has been a no-brainer to make absolutely sure we continue to pay our rent on time and in full. Times are unsure and scary, but I won’t put in jeopardy the relationship that always paying on time and taking excellent care of this property has built. Im sure it’s appreciated by the prop mgmnt as well as the owner. I can only tell by the fact that over 8 yrs my rent has increased by ONLY $375.00 and THAT means everything to us! We have had to adjust and adapt to make ends meet but so has everyone. Now is not the time to take advantage of a bad situation and see it as a possibile opportunity to come up. You’ll lose in the long run. Thanks for the insight from the prop mgmt and owners perspective.


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