Thank you, thank you, thank you…

by on November 28, 2011 · 3 comments

in Life Events, San Diego

Good morning OB, San Diego and all points beyond! I hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving. We sure did! Actually it was one of the better ones for me during the last few years, we had more than a dozen family and friends here for dinner on Thursday, and then almost all of them came back Saturday for my mother’s 73rd birthday. We had chocolate cake and my two little grand-daughters (her great-grand-daughters) helped her blow out her birthday candles.

It’s pretty amazing having four generations of family all together in one place and we are blessed that we all live close and can do it on a pretty regular basis. It’s one of the thing that I am thankful for.

We took a much needed break and didn’t post much over the holiday weekend but we’ll be right back at it this morning with Jim Miller’s regular column, “Under the Perfect Sun“, and an interesting piece by Doug Porter (who we have really, really missed).

Frank joined a caravan of about twenty people, Occupy San Diego folks, who left from the Civic Center Plaza yesterday to join Occupy LA in what may have been their last peaceful night. He attended the General Assembly last night with hundreds, if not a thousand, other protestors. He reported to me that there were thousands of people in the streets during the night and that police finally cleared the streets this morning but they had not attempted to clear the encampment, as far as he knew there were few, if any arrests. I’ll pass on any updates I get from him.

Also, a very hearty Thank You to all the wonderful people who have made donations, bought shirts or simply sent of words of encouragement and support! It means a great deal to us. The OB Rag is a labor of love, but sometimes you still need the kind words to keep motivated!

So here we are, slipping out of November (where the hell does the time go?), into December (already?) and the end of another year… Wow! My aunt told me once that “life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes,” and ain’t that the truth! And all the more reason to be thankful for every, single day.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

doug porter November 28, 2011 at 9:36 am

Warning to evildoers and one percenters everywhere:
I’m slowly but surely getting back in the saddle as the docs dial back my pain meds after what I’m told (there are always qualifiers!) was a successful round of radiation therapy. :)


Ernie McCray November 28, 2011 at 11:38 am

Nothing like family!


Shane Finneran November 28, 2011 at 4:16 pm

Patty, since we’re in the thanking spirit, you and Frank deserve a huge “gracias” for all the time, energy and love you’ve put into the fine website and vibrant community that is The OB Rag. Many, many thanks!


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