Anna’s Video Pick – Bad Lip Reading the GOP Presidential Debate

by on October 20, 2011 · 1 comment

in Anna's Video Pick, Politics

Throughout Tuesday’s made for Reality TV GOP debate I kept muttering- “just answer the damn question” while trying to imagine Romney and the Not Romneys as president of the United States.  Their responses to the foreclosure crisis, immigration and foreign policy were so far off the rails that my brain had to come up with a coping mechanism.

That coping mechanism was the Bad Lip Reading treatments of three of the contenders.  So when Rick Perry would smirk and open his mouth, I heard “And save a pretzel for the gas jets;” for Mitt Romney “I’m a gremlin.  I’m leaving the party and I want everyone to stuff the ice chest;” and for Michele Bachmann “I went from being two banana plants to a thrill seeking shark.” 

I’m hoping the geniuses at BLR will give us their take on the other candidates.  In the meantime, we are left with googling Santorum and being inspired by Cain’s singing ability and vision for pizza. Newt, that sad, sad man has been swept into the dustbin of history, and I’m sure the invisible hand of the free market will come up with something fitting for Ron Paul.

At the close of the debates, Bachmann hollered out “Anderson!  Anderson! Anderson!” asking moderator Anderson Cooper for more time to deliver her final clincher.  She turned to the audience and began “The cake is baked…”

Stellar job, Ms. Bachmann. Yes, the cake is baked and   “You know where I come from Mama gets a waa-waa.”

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mike October 20, 2011 at 3:03 pm

A video I made calling Rick Perry Soulless – now that Cain is pro-choice and his populist repub candidacy shall wither…we are left with Mr. Rick Perry


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