OB Rag Presented “Community Partner” Award by OB Town Council

by on October 15, 2014 · 12 comments

in California, Environment, History, Media, Ocean Beach

Typically, if you give Frank Gormlie, Editor of OB Rag, a platform, he’ll take it. Here, he’s thanking the OBTC for the Community Partner Award at their annual OBie Awards, Oct. 14, 2014. OBTC Gretchen Newson is at the podium. (Photo by Patty Jones)

At the annual “OBie Awards” dinner last night hosted by the Ocean Beach Town Council, the OB Rag was presented with the yearly “Community Partner” award given out by the Council. The event was held at Shades.

Frank Gormlie, editor, accepted the certificate on behalf of the OB Rag.  Gormlie immediately thanked Patty Jones, his partner, “for making it all happen,” praised the new generation of the OB Town Council and the OB Planning Board, and spoke of the community tradition of “doing it the OB way.”

In her prepared remarks, OB Town Council president Gretchen Newsom graciously made the following statement as she made the presentation:

Our first OBie Award is for Outstanding Community Partner.

In this day of hyper interconnectedness on social media, it’s hard not knowing what your neighbor ate for breakfast or that Joe found a lost puppy and that Sue thinks turtles are the best. But most communities find it even harder to rise above this hyper level of interconnectedness and connect at the community level.

Not in OB. In OB, we have one of the best resources and platforms to learn from one another. Our 2014 Obie Community Partner creates community partnership through community education.

The OB Rag blog and website was first initiated by Frank Gormlie and Patty Jones in late 2007 and provides OB with news and commentary from a distinctively progressive and grassroots perspective, and also provides a forum for community member views.

The OB Rag website keeps OBceans, other San Diegans, and readers from across the world informed on issues and changes around us.

This past year, Frank Gormlie and the OB Rag provided great coverage of the OB Planning Board, which now has a full board and no vacancies.  The OB Rag and its writers (shout out to Lois Lane) have also provided excellent coverage of our OB Town Council meetings, which are now packed with engaged community members.

Finally, Frank and the OB Rag provided high-quality and in depth coverage of the OB Community Plan update – and at least a portion of its unanimous passage by City Council should be attributed to Frank and the OB Rag.

The OB Rag was also presented a “Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition” by Congressman Scott Peters – who attended the awards dinner, and “Certificates of Recognition” by Toni Atkins, Speaker of the California Assembly and by California State Senator Marty Block.


{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

doug porter October 15, 2014 at 10:48 am

woo hoo! way to go Frank!


Anna Daniels October 15, 2014 at 11:23 am

Congratulations OB Rag! Congratulations Frank and Patty! Those of us at sister publication San Diego Free Press thank you both for being not only our founders, but current editors.


Christo October 15, 2014 at 11:36 am

Congratulations Frank and crew!


Frank Gormlie October 15, 2014 at 1:54 pm

In case our readers didn’t know it, the OB Rag relies a whole hell of a lot on the San Diego Free Press for our content.


Mike James October 15, 2014 at 1:56 pm

Congrats Frank, Patty and all the contributors. You guys rock.


Frank Gormlie October 15, 2014 at 3:23 pm

Hey Mike, I got my car fixed. How ’bout a ride?


gristmiller October 15, 2014 at 3:13 pm



Debbie October 15, 2014 at 5:29 pm



Gretchen Newsom October 15, 2014 at 5:34 pm

Congrats again Frank! it was truly an honor to present you and the OB Rag with the 2014 OBie Community Partner Award! Keep up the great work!


unWAShedWallmartTHong October 15, 2014 at 5:45 pm

Hmmmm, awards from politicians . . .

Congrats on all the other stuff . . .


Andra Loo October 15, 2014 at 7:16 pm

CONGRATS Frank !!! – you really deserve it for all you do for our community.


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