Facebook censors cupcakes!

by on February 7, 2012 · 6 comments

in Culture, Media, Women's Rights

By Kit-Bacon Gressitt / Excuse Me, I’m Writing / February 7, 2012

The picture is a delightful and humorous celebration of women’s anatomy. It’s been posted all over the ‘net’, including multiple Facebook pages — including mine. But this morning it was gone! And it’s gone from every other Facebook page I know of that had posted it.

Facebook stole the cupcakes!

Yet, countless Facebook pages continue to be littered with content that celebrates rape as humor. If you want to post rape jokes on public Facebook pages, all you have to do is label them as “humor” or “satire“ and you can rap on rape to your heart’s content. Search for “You know she’s playing hard to get when” and you’ll see that Facebook’s policy is worth bumpkis.

So, Facebook allows the persistent presence of public content that assaults women’s anatomy, but it censors content that celebrates women’s anatomy.

Still want to buy into Facebook’s initial public offering?

By the way, the closest thing I can find as a source of this photo is Megan Bochum, on Facebook. So, Megan, if this is your photo, please accept the credit and my gratitude for sharing it.


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Lois February 8, 2012 at 12:20 am

Delightful and humorous? Someone had better check that person into a locked psychiatric facility. Women, are you flattered? My God, what next?

Now that I think about it, it reminds me of the book “future shock.”


john February 8, 2012 at 3:23 am

Perhaps a more subtle approach is in order…. fish tacos?


Lois February 8, 2012 at 11:54 pm

Jeez, John. And what do you call a more “subtle approach” for what?


K-B February 9, 2012 at 6:12 pm

I’m quite sane, Lois, and I do appreciate your paying attention, but my sorrow does go a bit wacky when people:
1. say or write thoughtless things about others with mental illnesses — a “locked psychiatric facility”!
2. express such discomfort with the human form. Would you also suggest that other artists who render/have rendered female genitalia are in need of a “locked psychiatric facility”?


Lois February 9, 2012 at 9:56 pm

Sorry I offended, but my feelings about this whole thing (subject) is bizarre. I agree that my reaction was pretty strong and I wasn’t “politically correct.” I apologize if I seemed to have something against people with mental disabilities. My dear, I am a very professional nurse. But to make a mockery of female genitalia by such an “artistic” art appears not too healthy. What is next, are you going to make the male penis as cupcakes and call it “art.” Maybe the creator of this “art” can set up in Little India and make it a family affair at the Art Show. To tell you the truth, I think this “art” is very disrespectful, no thought that a person might value his/her privacy. (Come on, honey. Let’s go to the “Art Show.” I hear they are having female genitalia and male penis cupcakes.) As Art tells a story, what might you think that female genitalia and male penis cupcakes story would tell? Titilation versus anything creative? Minds that have no where else go?


CB February 13, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Many Americans are uncomfortable with the naked form and sexuality. It is saddening that facebook allows jokes about rape (the complete violation of a human being), but will not allow vagina’s sculptured out of icing on their site. It’s anatomy, people! It’s normal. If you don;t have one of these vagina’s then you have a penis. There is nothing offensive or disgusting about it. As a woman, I am proud of my body and all other vagina’s out there!

thanks for sharing this photo and the story about fb. Much appreciated.


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