Town Hall Meeting Tonight, Oct. 24, on Peninsula’s Schools Closure – Dana, Correia and Cabrillo to Close?

by on October 24, 2011 · 0 comments

in Civil Rights, Economy, Education, Ocean Beach, San Diego

Town Hall Meeting on School Closures / Realignments at 7pm at Dana’s Jackson Hall

By Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation

The Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation (PLCS) is hosting a Public Town Hall Meeting Monday, October 24th at 7pm.

(Please note: The location of this meeting has been changed from Point Loma High to Dana Middle School’s Jackson Theater.)

The Town Hall Meeting is an opportunity for stakeholders to learn more about the District fiscal crisis, our cluster schools, demographics and the District’s proposed realignment / school closure recommendations. Time will be allocated for public discussion and input. San Diego Unified staff and School Board Member Scott Barnett will be present.

The District estimates it will need to reduce its $1.057 billion dollar operating budget by $60 million to $118 million. See the very informative articles about the budget crisis and possible insolvency of the District, why the urgency and how the District got to this point. Part of the reductions will come from closing / realigning 10 or more schools (district projects savings of $400,000 to $500,000 per school closure).

The District formed a School Closure Advisory Committee to make recommendations to rightsize schools, grade levels and programs in an effort to reduce expenses. The Point Loma Cluster recommendations were presented to our community on October 3, 2011 by district staff. Neither the PLCS or community had an opportunity to provide input on the recommendations until after the School Closure Advisory Commitee made its draft recommendations. The District is seeking input and is open to ideas that are consistent with the need to reduce expenses.

The October 24th Town Hall meeting follows two Point Loma Cluster informational meetings (October 17 and 18) where community members posed questions, concerns and ideas regarding the District’s proposed realignment / school closure recommendations. A written cliff notes transcript of stakeholder comments have been published. See: PL Cluster Informational Meeting Cliff Notes.

Based on early feedback from the informational meetings, the District has revised its initial recommendations as follows:

  • Initial Recommendations: Barnard closes and relocates to Dana. Correia becomes the cluster middle school (grades 6-8). Cabrillo closes and grade 5 students move to elementary schools. See Initial Recommendations 10.3.11.
  • Revised Recommendations: Barnard (“CLOSES, TOO?”) does not relocate to Dana but does relocate to an available campus in District. Dana or Correia closes and the remaining campus becomes the cluster middle school (grades 6-8). Cabrillo closes and grade 5 students move to elementary schools. See Revised Recommendations 10.23.11. SO, THREE SCHOOLS CLOSE IN PLHS CLUSTER??

The District has set forth a very aggressive timeline to make decisions due to the severity of budget crisis. Recommendations will go before the Board of Education on November 29, 2011. See: District Realignment.

Between now and the November 7, 2011 PLCS Board Meeting, the PLCS will work diligently to get stakeholder input, ideas, concerns, and District answers to community questions and will work in a transparent way to develop option(s) for our cluster. The PLCS Board of Directors will take a postion on the district recommendations or other alternative ideas at the November 7, 2011 PLCS Board Meeting. PLCS recommendations will be submitted to District Staff and the District’s Board of Education (BOE).

Any position of the PLCS Board will be advisory only as the ultimate decision rests with the District and BOE. Note the PLCS has not taken any position, other than requesting that the “Barnard to Dana” proposal be removed from consideration.

The PLCS urges everyone to understand the severity of the budget crisis (dialogue about why the District is in this postion wil be saved for another day!). For more information on the timing, process, school enrollment data, demographics and school cluster, school site information, reference documents and District recommendations for the

For more information on the timing, process, school enrollment data, demographics and school cluster, school site information, reference documents and District recommendations for the Point Loma Cluster, please see the Cluster Realignment.

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