Rogue Rooster Joke Is Cruel for All in South Ocean Beach

by on April 10, 2014 · 2 comments

in Culture, Ocean Beach, The Widder Curry

judi curry roosterEditor: The Widder Curry asks: “Is OB South going to the birds?” Her original article began well enough but within a few days in her neighborhood, the atmosphere smelled like rotten eggs, with neighbor pitted against neighbor. Help us figure out what is going on in the usual placid southern reaches of Ocean Beach.

by Judi Curry

When I wrote this story a few days ago, I wrote it with “tongue in cheek.” After all, waking up to the calls of a horny rooster is not usual in Pt. Loma. (Hell … it’s been a long time since I have woken up to a “horny” anything!) But what has happened to this story is amazing and very sad. Here is the original story:

First it was the Pt. Loma Parrots. In 1968 I have a picture of two parrots screeching overhead. In 1969 I have a picture of four parrots screeching in the fruit tree. In 1970 I have a picture of 8 parrots devouring the fig tree. Last year I took a picture of so many parrots in my tree that I couldn’t count them.

Today, April 4th – at 5:21am you will never guess what woke me up. Well, you will if you live in the “Peninsula” area of Sunset Cliffs.

A ROOSTER – in fine fettle, calling for the women to flock to my grape vine for a little – well, you know what roosters do.

Not having a hen available, I sent out my daughter’s faithful dog – Toby – whom I am “dog sitting”. He came back  frustrated. He could hear the damn thing – couldn’t we all – but he couldn’t see it. (Sure – it was dark at 5:21am.)

I got up and decided to start my day. Grabbed my camera and went out back. And there, strutting around like the typical male, making more noise than two parrots together, was this frigging bird thumbing its beak at me.

I took a dozen pictures – but – alas – it was too dark and I was too far away to get any good one. But my publisher-dude is a whiz with fixing up my pictures – maybe he will fix this one too. But a warning: if I ask you to spend the night, know that you will be getting up early in the morning.

I don’t know what is worse – the parrots, this rooster, or the night herons that keep dropping anchovies in my pool.

What really happened follows:

Two of my neighbors both raise chickens for eggs. Even I have been the recipient of some of those eggs. However, someone apparently thought it would be funny to throw a rooster into the yard of one of these neighbors, and an ensuing ruckus began. The chicken owners were not amused and efforts to catch the horny bastard was elusive. Then those two neighbors received threatening notes from others in the neighborhood.

The following was posted by Mark, one of the neighbors raising chickens, in the “Next Door” newsletter:

My neighbor and I both have backyard chickens. We enjoy the fresh eggs and having our little feathered friends as part of our family.

Earlier this week, someone decided we needed a rooster and presumably threw one over the fence. I imagine this was a prank of sorts or there happen to be a rogue rooster roaming the neighborhood that discovered our cache of hens …h ubba hubba. He is very fast and difficult to catch while flying from yard to yard.

Since arriving he has hassled our ladies constantly and is very noisy, specially in the morning as you might imagine. We’re aware that while backyard chickens are allowed under municipal code, roosters are not and for good reason. I would like nothing more that to rid ourselves of this rooster, but was told my methods would be inhumane. We’re are currently in the process of finding this rooster a new home that does not involve my deep fryer.

***Today in the mail, my neighbor and I both received letters addressed to STUPID COCK with no return address. A concerned neighbor was kind enough to print(full color!) and highlight the city code as it pertains to backyard chickens….hmmm.

It’s saddens me that this is the world we live in, where folks are more comfortable sending extremely rude and anonymous mail than knocking on a door and interacting with their neighbor and fellow human being. I consider myself to be a very approachable, friendly person and always enjoy interacting with other folks in the community.

In closing, we’re trying to deal with this the best we can. If you’d like to foster this rooster or otherwise help dispose of him, come on down.

It is with sadness that I tell you that the rooster is no more.

What happened to him is still a rumor, and far be it from me to spread rumors. But the consensus of this debacle is that the person that tossed the rooster over the fence should be punished. (How? Who knows? )

As a joke, it wasn’t one; as a nuisance to the entire neighborhood it was successful. T

he rooster’s demise was unnecessary and only points up the lack of compassion by the “prankster”. As each of us on these several streets look at our neighbors with suspicion we only hope that it doesn’t happen again; it is not a nice feeling not to be able to trust the people you might live next door to. He’s probably too chicken to fess up to his dastardly deed.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Zach on the side April 11, 2014 at 5:45 am

You’ve got a real ruse-ter there. Did it all begin on April 1?


BB April 11, 2014 at 6:18 pm

Why would you immediately blame neighbors? Maybe it belonged to one of the many vagrants in OB and it simply wandered over, using natural animal instinct. I don’t know if you can really draw a nefarious conclusion unless you have previously unresolved conflicts with them.

OB has herds of cats over in the retaining rocks of the SD river, maybe this can all naturally work itself out?


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