WTF? Dick Cheney On Charlie Rose?

by on February 13, 2013 · 6 comments

in American Empire, History, Reader Rant

Dick Cheney CharRose 2-12-13

Screen capture of Charlie Rose interview with Dick Cheney, 2/12/13.

Charlie Rose of CBS This Morning (on Tuesday 2/12/13) dragged former VP Dick Cheney out of mothballs to provide a pulpit for his opinions on National Defense and Obama’s ‘plans’ for the military. I know Cheney’s credibility in this area is non-existent so I was left to speculate why CBS would give this fossil a stage? Shared interests?

Cheney talked about Obama intentions to do “serious damage to the military”. He would like us to think John Brennan for CIA and Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense are the issues. I think not. Sequestration including large cuts to the military is about to occur. The pundits predict this one will likely happen. The Pentagon has sent out directives for the Armed Forces to start cutting costs. For example next week the Association of the U.S. Army holds their annual meet and greet for well placed military folks to mingle with military contractors. Last year 596 military personnel attended. Next week only 76 have been approved to attend.

Before military bases are closed; before unemployment rates are increased by cutting rank and file military personnel, the Pentagon will cut contracts. It’s easier than the alternatives. Among those likely to feel the pain is Halliburton aka Dick Cheney. And dig deep enough you’ll discover the shared interests the parent company who owns CBS has with the corporations that comprise the military-industrial complex. Chuck Hagel is a distraction. The real focus of Dick Cheney’s and CBS’s concerns is the looming sequestration cuts that are bound to hurt their corporate profit margins.

Editor: Cheney, btw, likes Obama’s drone policy.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

obecean February 13, 2013 at 8:51 pm

One would think that a guests invited on talk shows would have to have a measurable heart pulse. In the case of Cheney, after all his surgeries and implants, the man has ZERO pulse!! Leaves me to wonder, who’s next Charlie? HAL 9000??


Enemy of The State February 13, 2013 at 11:58 pm

So, lemme get this straight: Bush’s waterboarding of foreign nationals suspected of terrorism was an impeachable offense, but Uuhhhbama’s offing of American citizens who are proven terrorists through drone strikes is just fine and dandy? Oh, OK.

Blessed be the socialists: For if they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards whatsoever…


Nicole February 14, 2013 at 1:57 am

Oh no that old zombie back from the dead, again.


Seth February 14, 2013 at 9:07 am

Saw the interview last night. Hard to understand how one could come out of it with the impression that Charlie Rose was a tool for the military-industrial complex. In his congenial and grown-up way, Rose went in hard on the guy. Cheney is obviously a bitter partisan primarily concerned with protecting his legacy, but he is also a major historical figure and that was a very content-rich and important conversation for America to have.

You don’t have to agree with him, but why would someone of his stature not have a stage to speak from? And as a liberal, why in the world would you want this guy to ever stop talking? He is as straightforward as you are going to get out of those PNAC/neocon types, and he sugarcoats little about what he truly believes. Given our recent history, and the power wielded by the Bush Administration, it is in my view essential to shine a light on that, whether you agree with him or not.


Seth February 14, 2013 at 9:07 am
Charles Remarque February 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm

Cheney is a neanderthal of the GOP. His concepts are so extreme right that the only
party that would welcome him would be tne Neo Nazis.


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