The Widder Curry’s “Reading Wall” in Ocean Beach – a Photo Gallery

by on October 8, 2012 · 7 comments

in Culture, Health, Ocean Beach, Popular, The Widder Curry

Judi Curry – the Widder Curry – in front of her “Reading Wall”.

Have you missed Judi Curry’s bloggings? We have.

Judi writes the Widder Curry column and often does restaurant reviews and other musings of life here in OB and on the Peninsula. Yet she has not been filing any columns of late.

Judi and Buddy.

And there is a darn good reason why she’s not writing these days – she just had surgery on her left hand and is left typing with only one hand for a while.

Here’s what she told us in an email:

I had 3 “trigger fingers” on my left hand; two on the right. The finger acts like a trigger – locks in place and will not move. I had to pry them up, and it is very painful. If you picture a needle and thread going through a cloth, sometimes the thread will knot up but you can still pull it through. At some point, the knot gets too big to pull through. That is what a trigger finger is. There is a “knot” on the tendon and it will no longer go through the sheath. The doc has removed the knots – and hopefully, I will have full use of my hand.

 We certainly hope she is right and wish her a speedy and pain-free recovery.

In the meantime, she asked us to stop by and see the latest renditions of her “Reading Wall” – the fence along her drive-way in south Ocean Beach. So, we did stop by and took these pics of the fence and all its posters, pictures and quotes.  The “wall” is dedicated to Bob Curry – Judi’s late husband who passed away three years ago.

Check out these pics. (Click on the image for a larger version.)

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Bud Pillsbury October 8, 2012 at 11:25 am

Here’s to a speedy recovery. I really miss the OB restaurant reviews.


judi Curry October 8, 2012 at 2:31 pm

Thanks, Bud. Stitches were out today and now should be able to handle a knife and fork. Will be “out and about” soon.

And Frank, you are the greatest publisher alive!


Ro October 8, 2012 at 3:20 pm

How did the PT on the fingers go Judi?


judi Curry October 8, 2012 at 3:41 pm

Wasn’t pleasant, but will have 6 sessions and should have 100% use of the hand. Surgery for right hand scheduled for Dec. 4th. Thanks for asking.


dave rice October 8, 2012 at 10:16 pm

Hope the recovery process continues to go well! Count me among those that miss your thoughts on eating out from a normal person’s (at least someone whose tastes I can relate to) perspective!


Zach on the side October 9, 2012 at 8:02 am

Best of luck with those fingers, dear Judi. You’ve always used them well, so here’s to much more of that tapping and slapping.


judi Curry October 9, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Hey Zach – gotta watch the “slapping” if you read my article in the San Diego Free Press about the communications I am receiving from my “on-line” dating.

Thanks Dave. Looking forward to getting out again.


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