Welcome to OB – Generosity, Caring, Empathy, Tolerance

by on July 2, 2010 · 99 comments

in Culture, Health, Homelessness, Ocean Beach, Popular

A new sticker that we can relate to.

Design 9

Tell us what you think about the new sticker put together by the folks at the Regional Task Force on the Homeless, who will be present at the community forum on Tuesday night.

Also, we are still collecting signatures on our online petition requesting the removal of the other sticker and merchandise that have the graphic from the shelves of The Black, please sign it it you haven’t already. We will be printing out the online petition and combining it with our paper petition soon to present both to the proprietor. At the moment we have a combined tally of over 200 signatures.

{ 99 comments… read them below or add one }

Abby July 2, 2010 at 2:46 pm

Well I think it’s very nice. I’ll enjoy seeing those around town.


Frank Gormlie July 2, 2010 at 2:52 pm

You win the grand prize to be the first to comment positively about the new sticker! See us after the show for your actual prize.


Dave Rice (a.k.a. psd/anonymouscoward) July 2, 2010 at 3:02 pm

Cool beans!

Is there a prize for first snide remark? Because what I really think is that you idealistic hippie wannabes with your heads in the clouds need to focus on more important things like banning marshmallows and ticketing seagulls that poo on my car.


Ken July 3, 2010 at 12:15 pm

You forgot some other adjectives to describe the prize: cynical, resigned, lazy and un-constructive.

Other words to describe the turd on a paper plate you’ve earned don’t come to mind right away.


Debbie July 2, 2010 at 3:08 pm

This is a good start. Based on the mission statement of RTFHSD…”To provide comprehensive data, trusted analysis, and influential policy recommendations that enables government and social service agencies to acquire more resources, improve services, and implement effective solutions to prevent and end homelessness in the San Diego region. ” I like that the sticker encourages w-o-r-k.


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 3:10 pm

Is this sticker welcoming them to the neighborhood, as if it’s a safe haven? Next, why does the OBecian have a mullet & pants sagging off his butt? Also, it is a bit awkward that he is shaking the homeless guy with his left hand? As you may know, around the world very few people shake with their left hand and it is deemed rude to offer. Not very “welcoming” if you ask me.


Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 3:20 pm

It’s an Obecian, he/she’s probably stoned.

This also explains the shorts.

Seriously though, I think the sticker is a good reply to the other one.


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 3:13 pm

EDIT: Actually the homeless guy is shaking with his left hand & the Obecian is using his right hand. How does that even work.? Very awkward handshake to say the least. =)~


Patty Jones July 2, 2010 at 3:19 pm

It may be awkward, but we’ve all had more than a few awkward handshakes… ;) The whole point is that the hand was offered and accepted. If you’re offering a hand to help who cares which hand it is?


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 4:30 pm

that wasn’t a “hand” shake ;)


Editordude July 2, 2010 at 3:19 pm

OB Warzone – you didn’t even comment in the OB Flashes. We posted them just for you. (sigh) geez….


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 4:21 pm

just saw it…THANKS!!!!1!


RTFH Staff July 2, 2010 at 3:27 pm

Great to know…FYI, this is just a draft which hasn’t gone to print yet. We wanted to get feedback before printing and your remarks, though admittedly snide, will make this a collaborative process, a step “The Black” seemed to overlook when producing their own sticker.

We encourage all of your suggestions to help come up with the most accurate representation of the OB community.


Frank Gormlie July 2, 2010 at 3:40 pm

RTFH Staff, – he didn’t mean it, he was being sarcastic about being snide, which cancel each other out, I think. (BTW, could you guys come up with a better acronym? )


Viliami July 2, 2010 at 3:47 pm

I like this sticker’s message of promoting peace, tolerance, and work. The Black should keep selling their sticker and this one too. It’d be interesting to see which one sells more.


just my 2 cents July 3, 2010 at 9:31 am

this was an attempt at comedy right ?


Frank Gormlie July 2, 2010 at 3:56 pm

We liked it. The first draft of the graphic had the guy in a suit and briefcase. We said ‘make it more OB’ and the artists complied. It’s a helping hand not a shaking hand? Plus if you don’t look at it too closely, it’s almost gender neutral (for the figure on the left).


Marisa July 2, 2010 at 4:17 pm

Lol, Jeff Spicoli looking, decidedly.


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 4:27 pm

yes, you are correct. most welcome are followed by a handshake. RTFH, maybe we can turn your handshake design into the official OB HANDSHAKE. Is it shake with the right to the other persons left, or shake with the left to the other persons right hand? I’m going to stand outside Hodad’s this weekend, introducing myself with said handshake. I’ll report back with details/reactions/questions/sketch drawings of their facial expressions to the new shake. HAPPY 4th!


Frank Gormlie July 2, 2010 at 5:26 pm

You are actually funny. Keep it up and you could win a free T-shirt … or bumper sticker.


Marisa July 2, 2010 at 4:12 pm

Where do I get one?


david July 2, 2010 at 4:38 pm


we really are down here in the o B manifesting our genetic connection to the larger loony world of run amok capitalism, just a micro world of image and posturing with no realistic program that might actually bring real remedies. they will have their sticker and we will have ours and everyone will be reassured that they are morally superior . we are having a good ole public relations war in our little town. we are achieving the ultimate commodity quality of appearance over substance. you dont have to actually do anything as long as you appear to care.

lets see, BP pours clean sand on oily beaches, Obama talks like Martin luther King but acts like herbert hoover, and in Ocean Beach you can buy a decal to show the world hoe you yearn to be seen.

” live is absurd, and if you are an american you get a front row seat!”
George Carlin said that

” abandon all illusions, prepare for struggle!
Mao said that


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 4:41 pm

Quoting Mao to prove your point……..mmm ok……..good luck with that.


Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 4:53 pm

OTOH quoting George Carlin is always a good thing…


OB_Warzone July 2, 2010 at 4:59 pm



david July 2, 2010 at 9:12 pm

okay, how about a quote from Dylan’s 115 th dream

” went down to the bowary slums { sub ob } where people carry signs around saying ban the bums”


Dr.Professor Longhair July 4, 2010 at 9:43 pm

He’s got a point. Can I have a hug?


Gary Gilmore July 2, 2010 at 4:44 pm

Very Good! Well Done. The perfect, respectful and kind hearted come-back to the original smarmy sticker. Makes me proud. Again.


Molly July 2, 2010 at 5:34 pm

Thank you, Gary! Just your expression of your thoughts here swelled my heart. That is the true OB: Kind-heartedness vs smarminess (neither word BTW made it thru spell check – but sometimes you have to go beyond spell check). And I think that’s always been the way it is here.


hoodie July 2, 2010 at 5:10 pm

further hatred being spread in recent weeks…

hopefully this sticker is the much needed comeback. our community needs to heal. i look forward to seeing it in business windows up and down newport.


doug porter July 2, 2010 at 5:34 pm

posted on you tube four months ago; 56 views.


Kenloc July 2, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Let’s just take out national airtime and invite all of the homeless in the country to Ocean Beach.I don’t see how creating an opposing sticker that invites the homeless to come here solves the issue. Do we need a sticker to prove we are a tolerant community?
Perhaps we can run ads on the East Coast inviting their homeless population’ to come to OB because we are more tolerant than other towns? I know the sign says “end homelessness” but I think it will be interpreted as a welcome wagon for more to come here when we obviously can’t even manage with the current homeless population we have. Work to fix the current issues before throwing out the open invite to all homeless to come here.


ob local July 2, 2010 at 6:23 pm

ok so here is the straight up thing of it all. who the hell cares?! everyone has different views. the sticker that the black put out was truth. hurtful but truth. the sticker you all are trying to put out are lies. Generosity, Caring, Empathy, Tolerance? really? ok lets break it down. generosity, if the people of o.b were so generous there wouldnt be so much drama over hard core spangers. caring, ok yeah the people of o.b are careing……..for there own! empathy, i just have to laugh at that one ha ha ha. and that leaves us with tolerance, hummm lets see, if o.b had tolerance they wouldnt of started this whole drama fest to beguine with. the cops harass the homeless to no end. people complain about the homeless to no end. so none of these words relate. just cause a few hippy’s that are upset cause people are being honest about each other they want to create a new sticker. oooooo “my sticker will beat your sticker” oh yeah i got a question for the hippies. are the new stickers going to be made on recycled paper? (rolls eyes) fight fire with fire a? i guess fight sticker with sticker. (rolls eyes again) why not just do something about it like open a shelter for them since you seem to be “Generosity, Caring, Empathy, Tolerance” do something with your time instead of posting stickers. get over it. the only reason its such a big deal is because you all wahhhh over it. oh and by the way, i was homeless in o.b for over 8 years so i can speak for both sides.


david July 2, 2010 at 9:43 pm

in defense of hippies, hippies in san francisco in the sixties organized a group called
” diggers”. in fact the key organizer was peter coyote who went on to star in really good movies {rancho deluxe} the diggers handed out free clothing, fed people and had a crash pad listing . they were operating during the summer of love when thousands of homeless kids were coming to SF every week.
i agree with much what you said about the silly sticker war, but attacking hippies is a way of attacking the counter culture movement, something the right wing in this country has been doing for years because we were such a successful threat . given the way things are going we could use some rightous street fighting revolution loving hippies right now
let a thousand flower children bloom!


Dave Rice (a.k.a. psd/anonymouscoward) July 2, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Just noticed my neighbor that gives me a dirty look whenever I walk by added a nice “OB Rag OUT of OB!” sign to her “I SUPPORT FREE SPEECH, SUPPORT THE BLACK!” display. Supporting free speech while trying to muzzle it – priceless.


Kenloc July 2, 2010 at 9:03 pm

FREE SPEECH! unless I don’t agree with what your saying…..


Frank Gormlie July 2, 2010 at 9:11 pm

She must be the woman who kept shoving her sign in me face at the Black the other day. That’s her sign. Perhaps she’s resentful you didn’t mention her in your Reader piece.


Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 11:16 pm

See, this is what I don’t get.

Instead of giving you a dirty look she should just calmly speak her piece.


Dave Rice (a.k.a. psd/anonymouscoward) July 3, 2010 at 7:12 pm

Clarification: this isn’t a new thing, she’s never been too pleasant in the 2 years I’ve been here (might be because my daughter fell off her scooter into the plants when she was 4)…and yeah Frank, I think she’s the one who kept hitting you in the back with her sign in your face when the news guy was trying to talk to you.


Genie July 5, 2010 at 7:30 am

Ahhh. She’s the one who yelled to you on camera…”WHEN I WANT YOUR OPINION, I’LL GIVE IT TO YOU!”… Piece a work… (I tried to talk to her about the history of the Rag, and about the legacy of Frank Gormlie..she just stared at me like a deer in the headlights)


La Playa Heritage July 2, 2010 at 6:53 pm

Hi All,

Yesterday, the Airport Authority (AA) discussed buying the 36-acre Midway Post Office during their closed session agenda. If the AA buys the Midway site, before any construction they will have to change their Master Plan which takes about 2 to 3 years. We already have the support from Congressman Bob Filner on trying to get the Midway Post Office for Homeless Veterans Emergency Shelter. Hopefully the Midway Post Office may be used to house San Diego’s homeless if we can get support from Congresswomen Susan Davis and Councilman Kevin Faulconer.


Also the Midway Post Office is located in an Industrial Zone where a Homeless Shelter is allowed ministerially by right, without the need for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), or a public hearing. Therefore, no NIMBY comments could derail the project.

As part of the raising of CCDC’s cap from $3 Billion to $9 Billion in the next 2 years, Councilman Carl DeMaio stated that $1 Billion should go to resolve the homeless problem and provide supportive housing.


Brian July 3, 2010 at 10:10 am

But… isn’t that post office in use?


Brian July 3, 2010 at 2:59 pm

So, I decided to click the link and start reading. Didn’t take long to run across this:

“CCDC funds set aside to by property. The Midway site may possibly also be used to house the approximate 1,868 homeless citizens so the Police can again ticket homeless who refuse shelter and treatment.”

WTF? Why should being homeless be a crime?


James Lewis July 8, 2010 at 9:20 am

Being homeless is not a crime….coming on to my property, pissing in front of my grandkids and wife and harassing me as I walk to the Newport Ave business area is. Get a lock on reality , pal. I have lost everything, including half my face, but I don’t have time to ask for your spare change and then curse you for not giving me your hardearned. You should go to some third world country and ask for their socialist “giving” to the masses.


OB Cindi July 8, 2010 at 9:37 am

When did this happen, and is there a crime report with the SDPD we can refer to as proof? Did you get it on video? You sadly enough, sound like every other hate-monger who Targets the homeless with these random, made up stories.

I am proud to be an American, but I don’t have to exercise hate and bigotry towards a group of individuals to prove my love of my country. Maybe you should try to exercise christianly forgiveness for those who sin against you. I assume you still have your hands, right? Help us feed the homeless. Come out to the Baptist church on Saturday morning at 8am. MAKE a change if you don’t want to GIVE change…


James Lewis July 8, 2010 at 12:13 pm

OB Cindi, You are so naive as to think our PD can be called for random pissing. I , for one, am also proud to be an American…served in Nam. I am also proud to have employed in my 30 YEARS in OB WarZone, many homeless that were willing to work and do odd jobs. Also help them with recyclables. I forgave those that sinned against me, unlike you that just want to denigrate those that are not of your opinion. I have tried making change in my community for years before you ever got here,,,,so please talk about what you know . Bless you.


OB Cindi July 8, 2010 at 2:37 pm

So it sounds like you will be at the Baptist church at Sunset Cliffs and Santa Monica on Sat at 8am to help feed the homeless. C ya there dude!
I hope you stay to listen to my presentation on Classy and Sassy Panhandling! Keep’n it real, OB style. 8-)


Debbie July 2, 2010 at 8:45 pm

on a side note, does anyone know how long the First Baptist Church on Sunset Cliffs has had the flashing sign? Is that really necessary?


Kenloc July 2, 2010 at 9:05 pm

Haha!I noticed that the other day.My wife says it’s been there awhile.Kind of a funny sign for a church to have.Reminds me of vegas)


Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 9:08 pm

It’s trippy, I think I kinda like it.

Then again it’s not facing my bedroom window or anything….


Citizen Cane July 2, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Together we end homelessness?? How about building better nomads? Or maybe…welcome to our oasis, please don’t piss on my camel? Food and shelter, yes, but I don’t think we end homelessness.

Lately I’ve been thinking about free food for the nomads AND the hungry people that live in houses. There are plenty of underfed people in OB that pay rent and barely get by month to month. My solution is public fruit trees. Trees watered and maintained by city staff as well as volunteers. Community gardens are nice, but can’t be scaled up and managed as easily as public groves of trees. This self serve approach to feeding the hungry eliminates the usual expenses of servers, transportation, and delivery. Fire the administrators…grow public fruit trees instead. Here’s just one of the many possible sites…a large rectangular parcel between the river bike trail and that long skinny parking lot on the North side of Robb Field. Currently the city grows weeds there, and expends labor to mow them down each year. OBcians could…should do better than that.


Kenloc July 2, 2010 at 9:21 pm

that’s a really good idea dude.on a side note,I don’t think I’ve ever seen a homeless person in OB with a “Will work for food “sign. It should read”Will do a backflip for a dollar” or ” Why lie,I need weed”


Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 9:45 pm

>Or maybe…welcome to our oasis, please don’t piss on my camel?

That’s pretty good, I’d buy that one.

I think the basic sentiment both the pro & anti* homeless people want to get across is “try not to be a jerk,” so some variation on that might be a nice compromise.

(* in the sense that they seem to complain about rude aggressive panhandlers, people freeing willy on the cliffs, and street-pooping & such – not so much “Rich (Jane/whoever) the homeless guy mostly minding his own business.”)

A basic bias towards civility and a “no worries” outlook are largely why I stayed here.

It would be a huge tragedy to see those things lost.


Sunshine July 2, 2010 at 10:30 pm

i hear the lot at Voltaire and Sunset Cliffs works well….. damn world oil!


Citizen Cane July 2, 2010 at 10:09 pm

In another thread I wrote about “no cash in the pan.” I never give cash to panhandlers, and I wish more people would join in that policy. Be humane. Give your cash to someone who will feed the hungry. Give cash to an addict or alcoholic, and their blood is on your hands. Let’ all join together to make OB the toughest market to panhandle. I think people on both sides of the sticker controversy should be able to hang their hats on the no cash policy.

PS….here’s a tree program in Portland:



Chris Moore July 2, 2010 at 11:51 pm

Yeah that’s mostly my policy too. I will happily give out cigs (not that that’s really a great favor in the long-term sense), buy/share food, even loan out or (once) buy blankets, but handing people cash usually just feeds/enables someone’s addiction.

I know cigs do too, I happen to share that habit though – cant judge too harshly ;)

Civility and simple respect for others are key I feel.


Citizen Cane July 2, 2010 at 11:38 pm

And here’s some old words of wisdom…

“VNDER the Indian and Buddhist kings, like Chandragupta and ASoka,
people did not wait, as they do now, for a national calamity, to throw in the
surplus of their overflowing wealth at the head of a portion of the starving
and the homeless, but worked steadily on, century after century, building
rest-houses, digging wells and planting fruit-trees along the roads, wherein
the weary pilgrim and the penniless traveler could always find rest and
shelter, be fed and receive hospitality at the national expense. A little stream
of cold, healthy water, which runs steadily, and is ever ready to refresh
parched lips, is more beneficent than the sudden torrent that breaks the dam
of national indifference now and then by fits and starts.”
— H. P. BLAVATSKfYro: m ‘Our Cycle and the Next,’ an editorial
in Lucifer, May 15, 1889


Chris Moore July 3, 2010 at 5:01 am

I googled that quote and it was a good read, thank you.


Chris Moore July 3, 2010 at 4:58 am

EMPATHY is key.

Whether a homeless person in a shitty catch-22 or a parent tring to raise a couple kids in a difficult time.

Keep in touch with your ability to step into someone else’s shoes, and don’t be a shithead to your neighbors.

Having a paceful life is not hard just be strong enough to swallow your pride when it is the sensible thing to do. Give them man room to go through and make sure the man does likewise for you.

Enough with my silly holiday weekend free PSA’s…


Chris Moore July 3, 2010 at 4:59 am

Yeah that’s why I need an editor at 4:59 heh :D


obsteven July 3, 2010 at 9:07 am

Great idea to have another sticker.


obsteven July 3, 2010 at 9:17 am

I have learned a lot about my neighbors reading the O.B. Rag. I’m moving out of California for sure. It’s not what I thought it was. This is also the last time I will visit this website or leave a comment. It really upsets me too much to be healthy. Good luck to you all and try to remember The Golden Rule. Peace be with you all.


Brian July 3, 2010 at 10:13 am

Damnit. But, I have questions. Where are you going to go? What makes it better than California?


Kenloc July 3, 2010 at 5:04 pm

I see maaaaaaybe 30 peeps posting here.What can you learn about all Californians from that sampling?Good luck to you


Goatskull July 5, 2010 at 9:32 am

Ur leaving Cali just because of posts on the rag? What exactly did you think this state was? That we all are on the same page and think the same way?


ilovetheoutdors July 3, 2010 at 9:28 am

End homelessness ? LoL


Brian July 3, 2010 at 10:13 am

After that, we’re going to end gravity.


Frank Gormlie July 3, 2010 at 10:16 am

Uh, Brian, I forgot – what’s wrong with gravity?


Brian July 3, 2010 at 2:52 pm

It’s holding me down, man.


just my 2 cents July 3, 2010 at 10:27 am

I see a pissing contest coming on…….


BillRayDrums July 3, 2010 at 12:41 pm
Jon July 3, 2010 at 1:42 pm

Alright Bill Ray. So far you’ve got my vote. That is FINALLY a message I can agree with here. Thanks.


Jon July 3, 2010 at 1:53 pm

I will also add that I really like the word “nefarious.” Now I’m gonna be throwing that around for weeks. Thanks again!


BillRayDrums July 3, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I revised it a bit to be more positive but still get the message across.


Sarah July 3, 2010 at 3:43 pm

I’m with Jon. Both on the message and on the super-cool vocabulary usage. I love men who aren’t afraid to be multisyllabic.


Tom Sanchez July 4, 2010 at 6:23 pm

good to see dialogue about the issue, from people from all over san diego, (I think in full disclosure the obrag publisher should let everyone know he lives in lemon grove)
Meanwhile, we the people continued to be inundated with more aggressive panhandling and enabling addicts of all types.
see you all at the forum this week at sacred heart.


OB Cindi July 8, 2010 at 9:45 am

Uhhhhh…..Tom Sanchez needs to catch up on his reading of the OBRag. Where someone lays there head at night, and where they have their heart, can be two different places. If you went to the meeting at Sacred Heart, you probably had non OBceans in your group who love our town and spend as much time spending their well earned dollars here as you and I who live within its friendly borders. I am gonna guess you left the meeting in the first 5 minutes when you discovered we were getting into groups to peacefully discuss the issues minus fire and brimstone…


mural girl July 4, 2010 at 7:13 pm

Just wondering if anyone thought of the obvious sticker with a positive message. Can you spare any change, so I can support our local businesses? DUH!


mural girl July 4, 2010 at 7:19 pm

Duh is not part of the sticker idea. Just thought I’d point out that people might have forgotten that.


Ernie McCray July 4, 2010 at 9:38 pm

Some people say “Well, if you’re so concerned about the homeless why don’t you do something about it!”
Then an organization like the Regional Task Force on the Homeless, which constantly works in behalf of the homeless, comes along and instead of these people then saying “Wow, thanks for trying to so something about the problem” they say “Your sticker sucks!”
Why beat people over the head with snide remarks when they’re trying to come to grips with and do something about a serious situation that’s weighing heavily on the community?


just my 2 cents July 5, 2010 at 2:47 pm

What they are saying is…the sticker idea is already taken get something fresh some thing original…for them (RTFH)to engage in a pissing contest like this ( ” my stickers better than yours” ) puts them in bad light……they look childish.
You might be right maybe they do work with the real homeless……the kids everyone are upset with are not in this group thats what gets lost…if the homeless aggresive dope peddelars wanted help they can find it like a big handfull in OB have…this group does not want to help themselves they want handouts…


La Playa Heritage July 5, 2010 at 7:34 am

Ocean Beach ‘bums’ test a laid-back community’s tolerance.

By Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2010

Seaside enclave is being torn by a dispute over the emergence of a subculture of unkempt young males sleeping in doorways and panhandling aggressively. A bumper sticker was the flash point.


Goatskull July 5, 2010 at 9:24 am

The kid needs a new tooth.


BillRayDrums July 5, 2010 at 10:31 am

Maybe if he did something other than take up space on the sidewalk he could manage to pay for one. Oh I forgot….this is OB and it will somehow magically appear for him.

I’m a little short on my rent this month…anyone care to help a brother out?


Chris Moore July 6, 2010 at 12:25 pm

I’ve noticed most of these guys have bad teeth.

It’s a sure killer to have bad teeth in San Diego, nobody is going to hire you: they assume “tweaker” without a second thought.


Robert J Kelly July 5, 2010 at 10:56 am
Tbone July 5, 2010 at 12:16 pm

I think the “Will Work for Food” sign should be more authentic…someting like “Give me money, I need to pay my iphone bill.”


obkat4ever July 5, 2010 at 12:38 pm


I want to know where I can buy one. I was at the protest in front of the black on the BLACK WEDNESDAY and was shocked by the behavior. Frank, you were very brave to stay on the front line, especially when Raymond just wouldn’t shut up. I was shocked at not only his behavior but by everyone who felt that it was okay to sell that UGLY sticker, including the black.

Kudos to our great community who won’t tolerate this type of behavior and looks for great ways to improve the ugliness others bring upon us.



Traitor4u July 6, 2010 at 10:38 am

I think the new sticker is idealistic and unrealistic. How are we as a community currently helping to end homelessness? I do not see any evidence of this except for debates on this topic only after the first OB sticker came out. If they have made it to the streets, then they can find their way off of the streets.

Don’t re-invent the wheel, there are enough local resources out there for them to start. Moreover, if they are Vets, esp. Vietnam, they have resources and $ awaiting them – if they can agree to stop drinking/drugs, esp if they have PTSD. Giving them $ will not help them, it will only encourage them to beg for more $. Why work when you can get it for free.

They need to want to help themselves. All you can do is show them the resources that are out there and to let them try to help themselves. If they do not, then they do not want help.

We have already made national news as one of the top destination spots in the USA for young homeless as well as the national news for these stickers. Try and come up with a positive solution that both sides can comprise and agree on.


Dave Rice (a.k.a. psd/anonymouscoward) July 6, 2010 at 12:10 pm

The debate’s been ongoing for a while. I remember the issue being raised at least a few months back regarding a lack of bathroom facilities after the northern building was torn down and the lifeguard station was locked at night (not sure whether it still is). Also, community relations officer Dave S. (I don’t want to butcher his last name trying to spell it) talked to those of us that were at the meeting regardig the tactics police were using to try and weed out the troublemakers. Either their technique isn’t working or the bad eggs are just rolling in as fast as the cops can roll them out.

Regardless, I’m hoping the proposed counter-sticker-sticker and the meeting tonight (hoping I’ll be free to attend, but it’ll be a last-minute decision) will be one more step toward making an impact. Right now we’re about a half-mile into a marathon…


BillRayDrums July 8, 2010 at 3:02 pm

All this undulating, and I see two hard fast truths: Frank is getting national exposure for his OB Rag, and Ken Anderson at the Black is raking in big bucks (hope he is giving his artist royalties for their creativity).

So…are the homeless getting fed? Are the travelers traveling? They sure are garnering a bunch of attention…the other day I saw some half-drunk homeless kid throwing around his not-so-homeless girlfriend for the TV cameras, effectively making them look like the lot of uselessarians that they portray themselves as.

Maybe the production company in town can give them jobs as extras. It’s the perfect gig for them, actually. They don’t have to do anything except sit there.


doug porter July 8, 2010 at 4:12 pm

dealing the issues that have been raised here isn’t gonna happen over night. BillRay, I suggest that you read about all the fine OBceans who met at Parish Hall in the four other articles that have appeared here in the last few days. we need to take this one (baby) step at a time: the problem didn’t appear overnight, and it won’t be going away anytime soon. the fact is that a rather large group of people are making an effort to change this situation.
Unless you have some other idea. In which case, please, tell us YOUR plan.


BillRayDrums July 8, 2010 at 4:42 pm

There’s no doubt that Obecians are fine caring people. We all have our own experiences with homelessness and addiction and this whole wellspring of “living freely”. If you live in OB, chances are you’ve dealt with such issues.

So…what’s my plan? How about I go and stand in front of the Black with a picture of my dead sister and how she got there? Being a “traveler”….no, she was a DRUG ADDICT. The kindness of strangers feeding the underlying monster that turned her further into drug use; behavior that I see is somehow being nearly sanctioned by some here as acceptable. We’re not talking about stoners….hardcore junkie-types that are barely out of their teens. But would that solve anything? No….

I’ll tell you exactly what I intend to do. I will start talking to these kids, making notes, and confronting them with tough questions regarding the choices they make and using my sister as an example. I’ll keep a diary but will not share it ala’ “Blog” because I do not need nor require any sort of validation or props; my intent would be to make these obfuscated brains of theirs wake up just a little bit and THINK, dammit, not drive attention to myself using their situation as a conduit for more undulation regarding the subject.

This country was built upon freedom. Freedom to sit on one’s ass all day if they so desire. But it’s social and community standards that should suggest to those whom are “visitors” to said communities what we are about. Sure OB is about laxness and laziness (why do you think I love it here?) But you don’t see me or mine bumming off people aggressively expecting a free ride!

There’s no easy answer to this; All I can do is teach my kid the errors of such a path, and I’ve got plenty of illustrative examples from which to draw from.

BTW they hit him up for change too. An f’n 9 YEAR OLD. Is that OK?

Start asking these kids questions about their lives. Dig deep, maybe such queries will dislodge something from their psyche. Tough love is what’s gonna get through to them.

Aside from the talking part, I also built , have registered obanalog.com (a site I hope to create so OB musicians can sell their music and a percentage of the $$ go to homeless vets), obartists.com (same thing) I do a benefit every year with Bill Magee Blues Band for the Water guy downtown, playing music for the homeless.

So you see, I’m all about helping out. I just take exception with travelers who think we all owe them a free ride.


Frank Gormlie July 9, 2010 at 7:51 am

Hey Bill Ray – where are all my big bucks that you promised?


BillRayDrums July 9, 2010 at 9:59 am

Big Bucks? Why, they’re in the fish & game mags.


Frank Gormlie July 9, 2010 at 10:01 am

Okay, funny man! Thought you were a musician not a comedian. Leave the comedy to our local politicians. JK dude!


BillRayDrums July 9, 2010 at 10:11 am

I find politicians about as funny as a tapeworm infestation.

Ever see the movie “Idiocracy”? Well we’re headed there.

Let me get you up to speed.


Sarah July 8, 2010 at 3:37 pm

I’ve been pondering the idea that “the resources are out there”. Without getting into the rights and wrongs of living on the streets of OB and without passing judgement on those who do let’s just say that one of these “kids” walked up to one of us and said they were tired and scared and broke and asked for help to find a shelter bed.

There are: 5 family units, 6 non-gender specific beds, 4 beds for single males and 1 for a single female in San Diego County. This is looking at the six outreach organizations listed on the http://www.211sandiego.org website.

I don’t like the bad folks on the streets, either, but I am not naive enough to think that there is a plethora of resources available, either.


James Lewis July 8, 2010 at 8:52 am

Well done O.B. My wife’s kids and grandkids came out for the 4th…they got to see peeing in public, aggressive panhandling as we tried to go to the pier, cursing because we didn’t have “spare” change…..(spare change, you know, money you have for others to buy cigs they throw in the street and beer they pee in the alleys) and then they went home without spending any in our small community and probably won’t come back. YEAH! Ocean Beach!!! Power to those too lazy to do it themselves.


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