Feeling Warm and Sunny

by on October 22, 2020 · 2 comments

in Civil Rights, From the Soul, Sports

Feeling Warm and Sunny

by Ernie McCray

It’s such a warm
and sunny feeling
to sense
human progress
in the air
like the other day
in a Zoom meeting
with a few athletes
at the U of A
about inclusion,
human beings being
valued for who they are,
me sharing
how, in my day,
there was little to no interest
in social
or political change,
how we athletes, in the main,
just played our games.

But this generation of young
ball players
and runners
and swimmers
and divers
and the like
at the U of A
are “woke”
to humanity’s
needs today,
eager to have a say
even when
they don’t feel up to it,
any bias they might possess
so they can begin dealing with it,
building up the courage
to stand up to
those who’re
slow in getting with it
or don’t want to get with it,
opening themselves
to a culture
or belief unlike theirs
to better understand it,
and building the trust
needed to
look at the world
in order for them to change it,
coming to know that
it will have to be done
inch by inch
bit by bit,
that they,
because it’s
a never-ending pursuit,
will not have
an easy time with it,
that they just have to do
what they can in their lifetimes
and let generations down the line
carry on with it.

Oh, they are so with it.

And I can’t help but feel
warm and sunny
just thinking
about all of it.
So grateful and glad
for living to see it.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Glen Barfield October 22, 2020 at 3:36 pm

You are right on as usual, Ernie. While not quite your age, I do remember when I was in my twenties and how many of my friends were talking about social issues. The only protests heard were about that Asian war. Thanks for reminding us about how it was and how it is now. Aloha Brother


Lamont Strong October 23, 2020 at 12:01 pm

Such a beautiful and sweet reminder of yesteryear. I was on the other coast, maybe at the same time when you were at the U of A. I came back from being overseas and things were quiet at the moment. I was in Chicago, it was July, and as you say it was sunny days, Before I could enroll in College, all hell broke loose. Folks decided that they were not going to take it anymore. I was 21and actually did not know how to fit in. I did what I could, I was involved until and after the time the first Black Mayor of Chicago was elected, HAROLD WASHINGTON was elected. Black folks came from everywhere to vote, he won by a large margin, a landslide. The Mayor would always say, “You want Harold, you got Harold”. Those were beautiful times in Chicago, nothing like today. We were black and we were proud!


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